DDO Players Poll – What Is Your Favorite Race To Play?

Last week we asked you, what your favorite class was to play. Which was our most popular yet, with 102 voters!
So of course, this week we want to know the next logical step. What Is Your Favorite Race To Play?
[poll id=”14″]
As always, if you leave a comment on this post, we could use on the next podcast!
Halfling! Sarlona’s Halfling Commandos FTW. Hear tge barbarian battle squeak!
The only reason elf is my favorite race to play is because of the dex scimitar tempest build im currently on lvling pattern 12 ranger 2 fighter 6 favered soul lots of bonuses to scimitars while twf.
Half-Elf!! For no other reason than I’ve always rolled a Half-Elf! (I like both human and elvish races so there ya go..)
I would have to say human. I believe I have more human characters than I do anything else at the moment. But I do enjoy playing all of the races.