Update 27 Hotfix Release Notes

The release notes for today’s hotfix are now available
For your convenience, here they are in full.
- The guild airship farshifter now has the same level restrictions as the Planescaller in the Hall of Heroes when players attempt to be taken to Amrath.
- The Fellblade is now Bound to Character on Acquire.
- Horned Devils now teleport less frequently.
Mysterious Remnants
- Mysterious Remnants now have a chance to appear for characters that are up to two levels above the level of the quest.
- Fixed an issue that caused Mysterious Remnants to not appear for appropriate-level characters.
Quests and Adventure Areas
- Trials of the Archons
- Quest NPCs can now be interacted with by multiple players at the same time.
- The Archon’s Trial
- Fixed an issue where some monsters would not enter a hallway.
- The quest no longer offers a Discrete XP bonus when players kill all available monsters in the dungeon.
- Demon Assault
- The portal to a Marilith in the Optional Objective now only appears after speaking to Mythant to prevent an issue where players could complete the objective but not get credit for it.
It’s always good to see them, getting in fixes quickly. Even if it does mean some downtime
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