DDO Players News Podcast Celebrating 100th Episode!




We are turning 100! That’s right, next Monday Sept 5th, we will be recording our 100th episode of the podcast!

We will be announcing 3 giveaways during the show as well! You will be able to enter via our website, 2 of these giveaways will be for PHYSICAL ITEMS, that will be shipped to you via Postal Mail, *Due to shipping costs, we will have to limit entries for the physical goods to US only. SORRY!, I wish we could give them away to everyone around the world, but our small budget will not allow for that! and 1 will be for a digital code. We are keeping the prizes secret until then 🙂

Also, people in the chat room will have chances to win some Turbine Points!

Community Manager Cordovan will be joining us and talking Update 32! Bonnie Bew also will be joining us for the show! And we might have some other guests as well! Tune in! You never know who will show up!

Do you have a favorite moment from the past episodes? If you do , please leave a comment we will share them on the show, and if I can find the audio I’ll pull it and play the segment on the show.

Hope to see you all in the chat room Monday Sept 5th at 8:30pm EST!



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2 thoughts on “DDO Players News Podcast Celebrating 100th Episode!

  1. My favorite moment is when you had all members of The Damsels of DDO on and they completely derailed the show for a good few minutes to the extent that both of you were groaning and faceplaming while they just laughed. I think it was about the ‘Deep G’ or something…

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