A Peek At Ravenloft?

Some interesting things are showing up in the The Adventure Compendium, what looks like a sneak peak of a wilderness area that will be coming with Ravenloft
Barovia! I never thought I’d say those words, in relation to DDO! And if it stays (remember many things can change) looks like it will be a level 10 area.
If you are not up on your Ravenloft lore, Barovia is a mountain valley within the fictional Balinok mountains. The terrain is densely wooded and the climate is one of frigid winters.
The valley hosts a small village (also named Barovia), over which looms Castle Ravenloft, ancestral seat of vampire ruler Strahd von Zarovich.
And for the raiders in the crowd, if you do a /quest completion you will get a peek of 2 new raids
Yep, looks like (Agian, if things do not change) we are taking on the man himself in a raid. And The other looks to be the one and only Baba Lysaga.
For those not up on Ravenloft lore, Baba Lysaga was Strahd’s Nursemaid. She recognized Strahd’s potential for evil and made sure that he would be able to cast spells. She found a ritual that would enable her immortality so she could see “her son” rise to greatness.
It’s no secret I’m super psyched about Ravenloft and this makes me even more so!
Finally, a new explorer area after several years of nothing in that department.
I agree! Been awhile since they did one, and they could do so much with Barovia. So many possibilities…
I cannot wait to see what it looks like. I just hope that they don’t use the same tools, engine they used to create the new adventures with like Memoirs of an illusory larcener. God the graphics and details in that quest just suck. I may make Hadeze a cleric just for Ravenloft.
I know! I just can’t wait to step on toe into there! There are so many possibilities they can do, I just hope they do it well! I’ve been looking fowarad to this for awhile (As many of you know, if you listen to the podcast) π