Help Us Provide Better Coverage On DDO Players!

As you know, we talk about more than just DDO here at DDO Players, we have branched out into Tabletop gaming in a big way. We get the privilege of covering conventions such as Gen Con each year as press.
We are in desperate need of upgrading our video camera that we use for this. With that being said we are looking for you the loyal reader/listener to help us with this.
I have made the decision to create a GO FUND ME, to help with this, so if you enjoy the site/podcast and all that we do, please consider helping us out. Anything you can do will help! If everyone that views the site and listens to the podcast, just does a few bucks, we would have a enough to get a nice setup and provide much better coverage of Conventions and Tabletop games.
View the Go Fund Me HERE.
All of us here at DDO Players thank you!
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