Green Ronin Talks Critical Role: Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting Book Release Plan

The Book And PDF Are Now Available For Pre Order!
We told you that the Critical Role: Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting Book, was due to be release this summer at Gen Con 50, Green Ronin has laid a bit more of the plan, for those that are wondering how it will work.
The Basics: Critical Role: Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting is a 144-page hardback sourcebook. Matt Mercer wrote it himself, with assistance from James Haeck and development by Green Ronin’s own Joseph Carriker. The book is full color throughout and features terrific art, as well as an awesome poster map by master cartographer Andy Law. The MSRP is $34.95 for the printed book.
Release Date: The book debuts on August 17 at GenCon. Note that it is NOT a GenCon exclusive! If you can’t make it to the show, you can still get the book from us, your local game retailer, and other sources. It should be in stores in the US and Canada by the end of August, and other countries in September.
Pre-Order and PDF: We will open up pre-orders in mid-July. We have a program called Pre-Order Plus that we use for most of our releases. Here’s how it works. If you order the physical book directly from us or from a participating brick and mortar retail store, you can get a PDF of the book immediately for only $5 more instead of its usual cost of $18.95. You’ll be able to buy the PDF separately at its regular price at this stage if you only want the electronic version.
Note that while we do sell into the book trade—so you can find our games on Amazon and other online vendors—the Pre-Order Plus program is only available through our online store and participating brick and mortar retail stores. (By brick and mortar, we mean stores that have a physical location, not online only sellers.)
GenCon Pickup: You will be able to pre-order the book, take advantage of the Pre-Order Plus program, and pick it up at GenCon. This will guarantee that a book will be waiting for you at our booth on August 17. There will be a special item in our online store for this when we open the pre-orders. Make sure you read the details at that time.
Shipping: We charge the actual costs of shipping. If you live overseas, this can, we know, be expensive. We do sell to international game distributors, so our best advice if shipping is too excessive for a direct order is to try to get your local game store to bring the book in. Stores in other countries can participate in the Pre-Order Plus program as well.
Amazon all ready has the book up for Pre Order (Note you will NOT BE Able to pick up from Gen Con if you choose to order from Amazon, nor add on the PDF)
*The above Amazon link is and AFFILIATE link, DDO Players will get a small percent of the sale, this is just a small way you can help support the site*
How do I do the pre-order so I can also get the $5 pdf?a
We will be sure to post when the Pre Order for that is up on Green Ronin’s website.. As that deal is only through the official site.