Conquer: The Ultimate Drinking Game Kickstarter

Drinking and gaming, they go hand in hand. Ever been indulging in some libations as you were playing Risk? This sounds like a fun time to me.
In Conquer, you’re doing what you can to well, conquer the world through military conquest. The game plays similar to Risk in that each turn you get troops, you will then move your troops, engage in battles that are determined by dice, and try to take over the entire world.
The differences come in with special actions you can take each turn, each which requires you to take a shot of drink in order to access. Take one shot and you can add extra troops to the board based on the round number, roll extra dice in combat, or gain extra movement points. Drink a shot and a half and you can deploy the shot shield, protecting your troops from being taken out and that country taken over. However, take three shots to deploy the shield breaker, and ignore the shot shield when making your attacks. So, as you can see you will have to plan this out as if you go all in too early, you’re going to be well less than mental ready to finish the game, let’s say. So plan your shots accordingly pun intended.
The game is up on Kickstarter now, the campaign just got underway, they have (as of this posting) 25 days to go.
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