One Ring RPG Bundle Up On Bundle Of Holding

If you want to get your Tolkien role-playing on, there is a great way to jump into the One Ring RPG from Cubicle 7
For just US$14.95 you get this offer’s Starter Collection (retail value $45) with designer Francesco Nepitello’s complete RPG The One Ring (retail price $30) and its companion Loremaster’s Screen and Lake-town Guide (retail $15), both as DRM-free.PDFs. And if you pay more than the threshold price of $30.61, you’ll level up and also get this offer’s entire Bonus Collection with four more supplements worth an additional $84:
- The Darkening of Mirkwood (retail price $23): Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan’s massive months-long campaign against an ever-growing Shadow.
- The Heart of the Wild (retail $20): The companion gazetteer for The Darkening of Mirkwood presents extensive details of the entire Wilderland region.
- Rivendell (retail $23): Expand your campaign with this regional guide to eastern Eriador and the Last Homely House of Elrond.
- Tales From Wilderland (retail $18): Seven complete scenarios set in Mirkwood, the Misty Mountains, Erebor, Lake-town, and other locales across Wilderland. Play each separately, or combine them as an epic campaign spanning years.
This is a new chance to get this huge collection of The One Ring worth $129 for a bargain price
For just US$14.95 you get both supplements in this offer’s Starter Collection (retail value $38) as DRM-free.PDF ebooks: the Adventurer’s Companion player guide (retail price $23) and Journeys and Maps (retail $15). And if you pay more than this offer’s threshold price of $26.60, you’ll level up and also get this offer’s entire Bonus Collection with three more titles worth an additional $64: Horse-Lords of Rohan (retail $23), Erebor – The Lonely Mountain (retail $18), and the Ruins of the North scenario collection (retail $23).
Jump on the bundle HERE
Remember, you should already have our One Ring Bundle with the core rules set and early supplements.
As of this posting, you have 20 days to get in on the Tolkien RPG goodness.
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