Dragon Pets Review

Dragon Pet is a fast fun game for the whole family. It is for 2-4 players. In this game you will take on the role of Dragon Breeders during the 1783rd annual dragon breeding competition.
You will be searching for dragons to mate with, Each time you do this, you’ll earn gold coins. Of course you have to plan this out, and not end up with any unbred dragons or you will have to lose some of those precious gold coins. In the end, the player that can earn the most gold coins will be declared the winner and Supreme Dragon Breeder.
Game Set Up And Game Play
To begin, the starting Dragon cards are separated from the rest of the deck. These cards are then shuffled together. Each player is then dealt 2 cards from them. If you happen to be dealt 2 dragons of the same color, then they must choose one to keep and one to return to the deck, drawing another. Set aside any other cards you have. Choose a color and take the 3 Dragon Seeker meeples and the matching player reference card, You will get 8 gold coins to start off with. The rest of the coins, will form the bank. . The draw deck is then formed by adding a certain number of Egg cards to the rest of the Dragon cards. The number of Egg cards is determined by the number of players. The deck is then shuffled together and placed face down near the middle of the play area. The top 16 cards of the deck are then used to create the forest, a 4 x 4 grid in the middle of the play area. The wooden tokens are separated into sets with each set containing a token of each color. These tokens are then placed beside the forest cards where that there are no tokens of the same color directly across from each other. The first player is randomly chosen and play now begins.
Gameplay will take place through turns. . To begin the game, the starting player will roll all of the dice. The dice are then placed on the corresponding colored tokens in front of them, the white dice will be placed next your player. . On your turn, you will then be able to take a number of actions that must be taken in a particular order. Each action is only able to be taken once per turn. There are 4 different actions that may be taken; catch dragons, refill the forest, reroll the dice and place one dragon seeker.
During the game players will be collecting Dragon cards. Every time you have two Dragon cards of the same breed and opposite genders, they will form a breeding pair. When this happens, the player receives gold coins equal to the highest value of the two cards. The mated cards are then stacked together and placed face down in front of the player. It should be noted that sometimes players will discover Dragon Eggs. These do not have to be paired and will automatically reward the player with 2 coins. The card is then placed face down with the mated pairs.
The game continues with players taking turns until the draw deck runs out of cards during a refill the forest action. When this happens, the game ends immediately.
Final scoring then occurs. Players add up their gold coins, subtracting any dragons that were unbred. They will also gain a 5 gold coin bonus if they were able to breed at least 1 pair of all 5 dragon breeds. It should be noted that a pair of egg cards can be counted as a wild for this diversity bonus. Players compare their totals and the one with the most gold coins is the winner.
The discs and meeples are made of wood, and are of a great quality, Great colors.
The dice have a wooden feel to them as well. As you will be placing the dice on the discs I wish they were not so rounded, as they tend to want to fall off, just a small nipick. The cards are OK, nothing fancy but they get the job done.
The artwork and colors are pretty good, it all draws you in.
Final Thoughts
This is a fast fun game, that has more depth to it, then you think. There is a ton of strategy here. With a nice mix of “take that”. This is one of those games, where you have to think ahead, and how you move will affect your opponent, if you leave them an opportunity they can get points, so should you push your luck a bit, and stop that, or hope that something opens up later.
This is a great game for the whole family, Kids will love the dragon artwork, and with its fast game play will enjoy playing. Overall this is a fun addition to your game shelf.
To purchase of copy of Dragon Pet, head over to Japanime Games or Amazon
A big thank you to Japanime Games, for providing a copy of the game for this review, this had no effect on the outcome of the review.
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