Cephalofair Delays Frosthaven Kickstarter *Only For 1 Week*


Frosthaven is the upcoming sequel to Gloomhaven, was set to launch its Kickstarter on March 24, but the team is now moving that launch back one week. With the increasing number of quarantine and lockdown surrounding COVID-19, Cephalofair has run into a few speed bumps as they prepped for launch. So, while the team continues to work remotely, it’s going to take a bit longer for “the party” to start. There is some good news, with the bad news, as you’ll see below.




I don’t have to explain to you how chaotic this last week has been, and I’m sure you don’t need any more statistics at this point. What I’d like to do, though, is briefly explain how Cephalofair Games has been affected by recent events, and what we will be doing moving forward.

We have been lucky. Everyone who works for Cephalofair does that work from home, and so that work can continue for the foreseeable future. But that doesn’t mean there haven’t been speed bumps this last week. Social distancing, school closures, and strict quarantine in some areas have made things more challenging for us.

Without beating around the bush too much more, I am announcing that we will be pushing back the launch of the Kickstarter by one week, until March 31. This will give us enough time to catch up on some things to bring forward the best possible project, and will hopefully give us the security to launch this when everyone’s lives – ours and yours – are not in such flux. I am just hoping that after another week, we can all get settled into this new normal a little more.


With all the closures happening across the world, we totally understand that people may want to be more conservative with their spending, and we will be as accommodating as possible in that regard. $1 pledges will get access to the pledge manager, and we will keep that open as late as we can to give people as much opportunity as possible.

But we are forging ahead because we think people will need something positive in these times. And we are planning on throwing one giant, month-long party. Like I said, we’ve been lucky to have not been affected as hard by this as a lot of other people, and it just felt wrong to deny people this celebration they’ve been waiting so long for just because of the possibility it would be mildly inconvenient or slightly less lucrative.


Cephalofair Games has always been about doing what is right by our customers, and we think the best thing for all of us is to give us a week to make sure everything is ready to go, and then commence with the partying.

In fact, I want to do one better than that and still launch something cool on the 24th – a new community-driven campaign. With everyone cooped up in their houses, it seemed like an ideal time to give you all more Gloomhaven scenarios to enjoy. It will be called “The Blacksmith and the Bear”, and you can find out more about it on Tuesday.

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