Update 23 Hotfix Notes

Today there was some slight downtime for a Hotfix to the game. Here is a list of the fixes that were applied :


  • The Mark of Death raid now has a 20th completions list. Players who have run the raid will have their under-20 completions retained, and players who have already exceeded 20 completions will have their progress to the next 20 completions retained.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause some players to not be awarded loot from the end chest of The Mark of Death raid.
  • Fixed several issues with armors and other items not creating the proper cosmetic when using the Mirror of Glamering. This fix is not retroactive; players who created a cosmetic armor using the Mirror of Glamering who are not satisfied with the resulting cosmetic item due to a change in the item’s look or coloring should contact support, either in-game or through support.turbine.com.
  • The Key to the City – Eveningstar can once again be used on a guild airship.
  • The Quest Arc reward for the Epic Orchard of the Macabre quest chain now offers better loot.
  • Knight of the Chalice: Exalted Smite’s cooldown now decreases with the amount of ranks spent in the enhancement.
  • Two Handed Fighting and Two Weapon Fighting are no longer mutually exclusive.
  • Heart Seeds will now be offered to eligible characters as a reward option when running Epic Orchard of the Macabre quests, Epic Gianthold quests, and Epic Three Barrel Cove quests.
  • Fixed an issue that caused all effects that provide a +2 Insight Bonus to Strength to instead provide a +3 Insight Bonus to Intelligence.


Good to see them getting on some fixes very fast. BUT there was no fix the hireling AI, which seems to have be made worse with the update, which was supposed to make it better.. Guess there is always next patch!



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