Mike Mearls Says – Two D&D “Stories” A Year

Mike Mearls (senior manager for the D&D research and design team.) was interviewed by Israeli RPG website pundak.co.il. Something of note came out of this interview in my opinion.
Mr Mearls made a comment on the frequency with which we could expect new D&D content.
We’re looking at two storylines a year. Right now, we have plans laid down for stories up through 2018.
Notice he said “Storyline” and not Campaigns as they have called them in the past.
He also did and Reddit Ask Me Anything. He expanded on this a bit further
Let’s say we wanted to do psionics. We’d tie that to a campaign you can play, maybe one centered on mind flayers or a similar foe. The psionic sourcebook would be the player’s companion to the DM’s mind flayer campaign. The sourcebook would have all the info for creating psionic characters, along with world material for players who are creating characters for the mind flayer campaign. The player’s book might also have a chapter written from an in-world perspective on psionics and psionic monsters, the kind of information that a character might have access to or have heard. You can expect us to do one or two such products a year, to give people enough time to play through a campaign without overwhelming them with new options.
So what do we get every six months?
It appears that each storyline will provide:
- Storyline specific Adventurer’s Handbook, with new races, classes, backgrounds, feats, equipment lists.
- Adventure for that storyline (1 or 2 books) for the Dungeon Master with additional details for that setting such as adventure specific bonds, locations, monsters, magic items and NPCs.
- Free downloadable storyline supplements at official D&D site
- Support with storyline specific video games, comics, miniatures and more.
What we know for sure we are getting.
Tyranny of Dragons
Coming In 2015
Elemental Evil
- Elemental Evil Adventurer’s Handbook – March 17, 2015; hardcover; $39.95
Princes of the Apolcalypse – March 17, 2015; hardcover; $49.95
Elemental Evil Adventure 2 – Release May or June 2015
what would other “Storylines” would you like to see ?
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