Lamannia Release Notes

The latest updated notes for Lamannia are up now  (Last Updated 11-21-14)

A Few of the higlights

New Quests

A new adventure pack is now available that continues the Xoriat story line in DDO!
A new free quest is now available that is linked to the Tyranny of Dragons story line!


Mirror of Glamering: Weapons and Auras

Weapons can now be created using the Mirror of Glamering! NOTE: The item from which the cosmetic copy is being made from is not consumed, nor altered. The created cosmetic item is Bound to Account. Items which have special racial requirements will create a cosmetic item with the same racial requirements. Items that appear and remain in the quest upon exit cannot be Glamered. The Mirror of Glamering can be purchased in the DDO Store, and can also rarely appear in Daily Dice.

  • The Mirror of Glamering will make a copy of the base look of a weapon, and will retain the weapon’s particle effects (such as flaming.)
  • The weapon cosmetic will only display on your character when you are wielding a weapon with the same combat style. The current combat styles are one-handed, two-handed, quarterstaff, great axe, crossbow, repeating crossbow, bow, rune arm, orb, and shield-only.
  • Handwraps, and thrown weapons are not able to be made into cosmetics.
  • A Glamered Weapon Aura can be used to create a cosmetic “look” on a weapon (such as flaming.) An Aura recipe also exists that allows someone to remove the visual effect of their weapon (such as flaming.)
  • Glamered Weapon Auras do not function on bows, crossbows, or repeating crossbows.


  • Airship Captains now give players the option to be dropped off in the Hall of Heroes in Eberron.
  • The Farshifter and Captain (with the Farshifter Amenity) now offer to take players to Three Barrel Cove.


  • Druid Fire and Water elemental forms have been buffed. The casting penalties to other damage types have been reduced to only the opposing type, and the bonus for the corresponding element has been increased. New text:
    • Wild Shape: Fire Elemental – Form: Transform into a Fire Elemental. While in fire elemental form, you have a +3 bonus to caster level and max caster level for fire spells, but your water spells have a -3 penalty to caster level and max caster level. You also gain a +10 racial bonus to Fire resistance, and a -10 penalty to cold resistance. While in Fire Elemental form you gain access to a number of spells that require it. You are considered an Elemental. You gain a +10 racial bonus to your saving throws against magical poisons, and racial immunity to natural poisons, sleep, paralysis, and stun, and a 100% bonus to fortification. If you are a warforged, you are no longer considered a Living Construct, and can now be healed normally by positive energy spells, and you become immune to repair spells.
    • Wild Shape: Water Elemental – Form: Transform into a Water Elemental. While in water elemental form, you have a +3 bonus to caster level and max caster level for water and cold spells, but your fire spells have a -3 penalty to caster level and max caster level. You also gain a +10 racial bonus to Cold resistance, a large bonus to your swim skill, and a -10 penalty to Electricity resistance. While in Water Elemental form you gain access to a number of spells that require it. You are considered an Elemental. You gain a +10 racial bonus to your saving throws against magical poisons, and racial immunity to natural poisons, sleep, paralysis, and stun, and a 100% bonus to fortification. If you are a warforged, you are no longer considered a Living Construct, and can now be healed normally by positive energy spells, and you become immune to repair spells.


  • Healing Amplification has been changed to be additive rather than multiplicative, in a way that benefits many players while minimizing the detrimental effects to players who have created characters with a very large amount of Healing Amplification. In addition to making Healing Amplifications additive, many sources of Healing Amplification have had their benefit doubled. Healing Amplification is now a rating, similar to Melee Power, Ranged Power, and Spell Power, in that it increases all healing by (100 + Rating)/100. Repair Amplification works the same, as well as values that allow Pale Masters to heal with Negative Energy healing.
  • NEW: Monster Champions: Some enemies will now gain randomized buffs on Hard and Elite difficulties. Players can see an indicator above an enemies’ head to identify them as having been buffed. Enemies who receive the buffs are called Champions, and have a visible crown above their head to mark them. Mini-boss Champions have a chance to drop a chest when defeated. Monster Champions do not appear in raids.


  • Smite and Exalted Smite now how a faster animation with no delay at the end.
  • The Harper’s Strategic Combat 2 benefit now works even if the character does not have Strategic Combat 1.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Divine Crusader Epic Destiny tree to not appear after spending points in an Enhancement tree.
  • Fixed an issue with the way clubs and scimitars worked with Kensei’s One With the Blade.
  • Barbarian’s Frenzied Berzerker enhancement tree has been adjusted.


  • Anniversary Cards and future card recipes are now linked to their events, which means that the recipes created by combining various cards will only be available when the event is active. Anniversary Cards can no longer be used to make Anniversary Card recipes.
  • Festivult Cookies have seen some adjustments for 2014! The Lord of Blades Cookie now has Blade Barrier, the Marilith Cookie has Burning Blood, Suulomades Cookies now has Teleport (and can be used in public spaces), the Warforged Titan Cookie now has Titan’s Grip, and the Web Cookie now has Rejuvenation Cocoon.


  • Players can now unlock the ability to use the Harper enhancement tree through the acquisition of 310 Harper favor. Visit the Harper Patron, Olarra Idlewist, located in the Eveningstar Tavern, to get started. Once unlocked, the Harper tree is available to all characters on the same account.

Hall of Heroes

  • There is now an entrance to the Eberron Marketplace to the right of the entrance where players enter the Eberron Hall of Heroes from the Character Select screen. The entrance from The Marketplace now leads to this location as well.
  • A new Stormreach Teleporter has been created in a new room across from the location where players enter the Eberron Hall of Heroes from the Character Select screen.
  • There is now an Airship Access point next to the new Stormreach Teleporter in the Eberron Hall of Heroes.
  • There is now an exit to Eveningstar to the right of the entrance where characters enter the Forgotten Realms Hall of Heroes from the Character Select screen. The entrance from Eveningstar now leads to this location in the Forgotten Realms Hall of Heroes.
  • Exits to Eveningstar from the Hall of Heroes now give players the option to be sent to Eveningstar, the Eveningstar Cavern, Wheloon, or the Thunder Peaks.
  • There are now Bankers, Auctioneers, and General Vendors on the upper floor of both the Eberron and Forgotten Realms Hall of Heroes.
  • A Fatespinner has been added to both the Eberron and Forgotten Realms Hall of Heroes.


  • The hireling Custom AI menu now has Active/Passive categories for actions.


  • The drop rates of items in many quests have been increased, including:
    • The drop rate of the Animus Rune Arm from Devil Assault.
    • The drop rate of the Mad Lute and Mysterious Bauble items from The Weapons Shipment.
    • Drop rates on named items in the Sands of Menechtarun landscape.
    • Drop rates on named items in the quests located in the Menechtarun Desert have been increased on Elite and Epic difficulties.
    • Drop rates on Druid’s Deep named items.
    • Drop rates on the High Road named items.
    • Drop rates on the Gianthold named items.
    • Drop rates on Disciples of Shadow named items.
    • Drop rates on the Wheloon quest chain named items.
    • Drop rates on Optional chests in the Storm Horns.
    • Drop rates on named items in Brothers of the Forge and A Study in Sable.
    • Drop rates for named loot in the Haunted Halls of Eveningstar.
    • Drop rates of Cormyrean items in Eveningstar Challenge chests.
    • Drop rates of King’s Forest items.
    • Drop rates for Underdark quest named items.
    • Drop rates for Demonweb quest named items.
    • The drop rate of Eveningstar Commendations from the King’s Forest, Underdark, and Demonweb quests no longer overlap with named item drops, making it more likely to get an item or Commendations.
    • The drop rate of Web of Chaos quest named items have been increased on Elite and Epic Elite difficulties.
    • Drop rates of Secrets of the Artificers quest named items have been increased slightly on Normal and Elite.
    • Drop rates of quest named items in The Red Fens.
    • Drop rates of Maleficent Cabal named items.
    • Drop rates of named quest items in The Xorian Cipher.
    • Drop rates on named quest items in Invaders!.
    • Drop rates on items in Garamol’s chest in The Subterranean.
    • Drop rates on items in Restless Isles.


  • The Social panel now defaults to the Guild tab after initial login.
  • The Looking For Group panel now loads groups upon initial open.
  • Doubleshot has now been added to the Character Sheet.
  • Fixed an issue that obscured the complete description of Epic Past Life and Iconic Past Life feats in the Reincarnation panel.

As always remember all this is subject to change!

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