DDO Players News Special #2 Coming Up! A Chat With Cordovan Monday March 30th

We will be having a special edition of the DDO Players News podcast! Next Monday night March 30th at 8:30PM EST Community Manager Cordovan will be joining us LIVE.
He has agreed to take and answer (If he can answer of course) questions from the community.
So if you have anything you would like us to ask him and maybe be answered, you can leave a response to this post and we will ask.
You can also email your questions to podcast@ddoplayers.com if would would prefer that route.
Don’t forgot to join us LIVE in the chat room for the recording of the show, as we will of course, be taking questions from the chat room as well!
Bacon. Will we ever see bacon in-game?
Not counting airship bacon of course 😀
Will DDO be moving to a new data center and servers in NewJersey when LOTRO moves?