Module One, Nine Years Later

I can’t imagine what it was like for the first raid group to head into the Vault of Night. Such an intricate and well put together raid of days long ago. These days raids have been dumbed down compared to the Vault of Night. Now this isn’t an article about the raid. This isn’t a reminiscent article about my first time running Vault of Night. No, no. This is about two things: the Voice and the Ring and why, for some God awful reason after nine years, players still get hung up over two simple little quest items.
April 11th, 2015
So today I grouped up with guild members and other Argonnessen socialites and ran epic elite Vault of Night. Things seemed so promising. Blowing through the first few parts of the raid. I was testing Unyielding Sentinel and burst rotation. Then out of nowhere the unthinkable happened…we opened the middle corridor. All Khyber broke loose!!!
Party Chat:
P1 says: “Ring and Voice to the left side, Musk can you get the strength lever on right?”
Musk says: “Of course I can, I can get all three”
P1 says: “Ok we ready?”
P2 says: “who has voice and ring?”
(2 minutes go by)…
P1 says: “anyone?”
(30 seconds later)…
P1 says: “everyone check their bags please”
(1 minute later)…
P3 says: “I don’t have it”
P2 says: “nope”
P7 says: “I don’t”
P12 says: “I seen it picked up”
P9 says: “I like cheese”
P4 says: “Can you link that sword, Musk?”
P9 says: “I still like cheese”
The Voice
Haywire’s Voice is given to a player after speaking with him at the entrance of the vault. It’s an absolute must to complete the raid. The raid leader should immediately take it or assign a person with knowledge of the raid to take it.
The Ring
Arcane Signet Ring is dropped by Otto Knucklebones after you kill him. He’s a tormented banker at the end of the east wing. You can easily tell which one he is because he’s wearing full plate, what most tormented bankers wear. The bearer of the Voice must also bear the Ring. This is standard practice for running this raid.
So going back to my question, why, why is this still an issue? Communication? Bad raid leadership? Seriously, the players in this raid group today, I’ve known or known of for years now. I know they have run it. I’m beside myself. 54 minutes it took to run the Vault of Night. Even on epic elite, that’s a long time. I have no answers for this Voice and Ring issue. None. Where’s Frodo when you need him?
Happy Hunting
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