Goodman Games Two New 5E Adventures On Kickstarter

It seems as if Kickstarter is the go to for any 5e product these days!
The fine folks over at Goodman Games have a new kickstarter up for 2 New 5E Adventures!
Goodman Games is very excited to support the world’s first fantasy role playing game in its fifth edition! This Kickstarter expands our ongoing Fifth Edition Fantasy line with two new adventure modules, and possibly a third for Free RPG Day!
I have used some of the 3E Goodman Games Modules in the past, and I have to say they are great products, and very professionally put together.
This Kickstarter funds the publication of two adventure modules for our Fifth Edition Fantasy line. With stretch goals, we would also like to give backers a third adventure from our Free RPG Day release.
The format for our Fifth Edition Fantasy modules is short, 16- to 32-page modules playable in a few sessions. They are stand-alone, world-neutral, and easy to integrate into your ongoing campaign.
Depending on funding levels and stretch goals cleared, the adventures may be enhanced with additional content, including bonus encounters and setting material.
Finally, we would like your feedback on what YOU want for Fifth Edition. We invite backers to comment on what they would like Goodman Games to publish for our next 5E Kickstarter!
The best part of this Kickstarter would have to be:
Give away a free 5E module on Free RPG Day. Yes, you read that right! The ultimate stretch goal for this Kickstarter is to create an entirely new adventure, which will be free to all backers and also printed for free distribution on Free RPG Day! Fifth Edition Fantasy #5 – for free! That’s 5 F words in the tagline and the last is “free” – has a good ring to it, don’t you think?
FUNDED! We’re very excited that Fifth Edition Fantasy has funded in its first weekend! This is an awesome start to the project. Now let’s all work together to rack up some stretch goals!
If you want to get in all the goodies head over to the kickstarter page and pledge!
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