5000 Turbine Point Code Giveaway (Entries Closed)

DDO Players is giving away a 5000 Turbine Point code thanks to supporters on Patreon.

Entries will close on May 26th.

How to Enter

To enter the giveaway please leave a comment below. Duplicate comments from the same user will be only counted once. Each comment will be assigned a number in order. The winner will be selected with a random number generator. The winner will be contacted through the email attached to the comment.

Please make sure you have a valid email that you check regularly attached to the account you are commenting with. We will send an email to the winner. The winner will have a week to respond. Once they respond we will send them the code and the contest will end. If the winner does not respond within a week, we will choose and contact a new winner who will also have a week to respond. This will continue to repeat until we find a winner.

All DDO Players website/podcast past or current staff and immediate family are not be eligible for this contest.

Help Us Have More Giveaways!

Want to see more giveaways? We need your help! Giveaways are funded by supporting The Players Alliance on Patreon.

[button link=”http://www.patreon.com/ThePlayersAlliance” color=”silver” newwindow=”yes”] Support The Players Alliance on Patreon[/button]

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786 thoughts on “5000 Turbine Point Code Giveaway (Entries Closed)

    1. Hope i’m doing this right as I didn’t see a spot to sign up and all I could do was reply to an already posted post.

      1. i hope this is the right way to take part here.
        really could use some points 🙂

    2. I’d like to say that “We’re all winners” but statistically…
      Well, at least we all tried,

  1. I’d finally be able to unlock the stuff I’ve wanted for years, bit spent my to on adventure packs instead.

  2. Just heard of Patreon and will have to check it out. Anything that supports the players and makes the game more fun is a plus as far as I’m concerned. Thanks…

  3. If I win, I promise to donate 100 TP to the “teach Elminster how to show up before the battle is over (and to learn greater teleport so he isn’t leaving the adventurers in the lurch)”.

  4. Think of all those kobolds I could kill if I had 5000 Turbine points hahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…..cough cough cough

  5. This sounds like a great way to draw in new players…or to bring back old ones. Great idea, and hopefully keep them coming 🙂

  6. This contest is a wonderful idea… Perhaps these 5000 points will make a suitable offering in lieu of bartering my character’s souls away in strange pacts to potentially evil powers.

    Cannot wait for level cap increase, Amrath, and Warlocks (hoping to make a lawful good paladin/warlock/cleric laser lord).

  7. By signing this agreement you are willing to foresake any claim upon your soul or any loot rolls, your choice!

  8. I’m entering new territory at Level 14, so if you see me in Thelanis and want to help out a new guy, drop me a line!

  9. Awesome idea, I’ll be bookmarking you guys, looks like you have a hub of info, I might stay a while.

  10. Really?
    “All DDO Players past or current staff and immediate family are not be eligible for this contest.”
    Really? So who is eligible?

  11. Would be amazing is all I can say. Been pure f2p all this time, definitely could use it, Have my very first legend toon and its a struggle Leveling to say the least hehe.

  12. The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water, signifying by divine providence that I, Evilgardengnome, was to carry Excalibur. THAT is why I am your king.

  13. C’Mon Lucky number (?) To tired. Been playing for 17 hrs straight. Responded to someone elses comment my mistake.

  14. a 5000 Tp code Contest..now thats IMPRESSIVE , actually I meant LEGENDARY , oh wait I mean EPIC….you know what I sayin and thnx for the Contest 🙂

  15. Oh please please RNGeesus… I promise I will use those 5K TPs for the greater glory of gaming!

  16. Ohhhh… shines, Kobold loves shines. Better yet! Free shineeees. Give them! Give them all to me! Kobold need many barel though.

  17. I find having to scroll down to the end of the comments to leave my own to be a bit of a nuisance.. I thought I couldn’t leave a comment at first.

    Good luck everyone.

  18. A wise man once told me you give a player 5000 turbine points, he they spend them all in one day. You teach a player to farm turbine points, they have turbine points for a life time. Honestly I have no clue were im going with this.

    1. You were chosen randomly through random.org as the winner. I just sent you an email. You have one week to reply back to the email or else the code goes on to a new winner.

  19. Since starting to play DDO I have learned many lessons and have been honored to teach and mentor several players within my guild and even those that are not. I hope other Hosts do the same. DDO is a great game.

  20. That’s a lot of scrolling to find the comment box! I enjoy the podcast! Thanks for the contest.

  21. I don’t want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

  22. I hope I win, I never win. All my money goes to trips to see my dying dad. So can’t afford extra points. Please Pray for him.

  23. I have to say the DDO community is probably one of the best there is. Thank you in advance if I am fortunate enough to be picked to win. And thank you for the opportunity if I am not.

  24. well i will follow the rules and comment, if however I do not win I will send my warforged barbarian friend to soften up the management whilst I sneak in pick the locks and steal the Turbine points anyway…..

  25. That would be amazing!
    Just got back to the game, would be an awesome way to get ToEE, Haunted Halls and the new content.

  26. 5000 !!! ???? really that is sweet could really use some things for my account …. Please 🙂 I promise i will still be around even if i don’t win. Invested this many years already. I honestly can’t say i am going anywhere anytime soon.

  27. So, with my usual luck I doubt I’ll win but meh, let’s give it a try. Thanks guys for the chance and good luck to everyone

  28. Come on turbine points missed these past few expansion packs. Well anyway good luck to everyone!!!

  29. Good luck all!
    I’ve only ever had like 600 TP’s and that’s after my 500 a month.
    What to do with 5000… *dreams*

  30. Now that the TOEE is up, how about giving us the Salvatore treatment with Menzoberranzan? Oh heck yeah…

  31. I have been a player since BETA, many many years ago. I am pleased with the strong support that Turbine and the DDO community has shown the players and the game. Remember when the Vault of Night was too scary

    1. The previous winner did not respond within a week so we went through random.org again and you are the new winner. You have a week to reply back to the email I sent you.

  32. Awesome!!! This would be the ULTIMATE birthday present. I say “Thanks for giving the opportunity to us with having a chance for a great reward :D”. Good Luck to All

  33. *Insert totally mercenary comment here by someone who’s never even been on the site before but is only here for the giveaway*

    I think.

  34. Really starting to get a kick out of DDO. Been along time since I did anything DD related. Seems like almost every time I log in I find something new and interesting.

  35. Hi this do seem to be a very interesting concept , and a effective way to get people to come to the website and leave comment , and this is is a nice site.

  36. i would love to win the giveaway to get guild renown pots so i can lvl my guild up and do a lot more with those points

  37. Thanks, I hope this is not a ‘pointless’ exercise for me! 🙂
    Blessings and luck to all who have entered.

  38. Congrats to Tarlanon on being chosen as the winner. They have 1 week to reply back to the email that was sent to them. Otherwise the code goes on to a new winner.

  39. Tarlanon did not reply back in time so we went to random.org and now Don is the new winner. He has a week to reply back to the email I sent him. Otherwise the code goes on to a new winner.

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