5000 Turbine Point Code Giveaway (Entries Closed)

DDO Players is giving away a 5000 Turbine Point code thanks to supporters on Patreon.
Entries will close on May 26th.
How to Enter
To enter the giveaway please leave a comment below. Duplicate comments from the same user will be only counted once. Each comment will be assigned a number in order. The winner will be selected with a random number generator. The winner will be contacted through the email attached to the comment.
Please make sure you have a valid email that you check regularly attached to the account you are commenting with. We will send an email to the winner. The winner will have a week to respond. Once they respond we will send them the code and the contest will end. If the winner does not respond within a week, we will choose and contact a new winner who will also have a week to respond. This will continue to repeat until we find a winner.
All DDO Players website/podcast past or current staff and immediate family are not be eligible for this contest.
Help Us Have More Giveaways!
Want to see more giveaways? We need your help! Giveaways are funded by supporting The Players Alliance on Patreon.
[button link=”http://www.patreon.com/ThePlayersAlliance” color=”silver” newwindow=”yes”] Support The Players Alliance on Patreon[/button]
Nice going, guys! Keep it up. 🙂
C’Mon Lucky number (?)
Entering !
hope i win
Free stuff!
That’s a really nice haul to give away! The things I could do w/ 5000 TP!
My mage could use a new pair of shoes…
Thanks for running this contest! 🙂
awesome hope i get it lol
nice I am in
checking my e-mail now
Let the luckiest scoundrel win
Hope i’m doing this right as I didn’t see a spot to sign up and all I could do was reply to an already posted post.
i hope this is the right way to take part here.
really could use some points 🙂
Great contest hope i win!
Pleaseeee! 🙂 This is a great way to keep us playing! Great Idea!
My TP bank is running low.
Back after a long hiatus, 5000 points would be a nice welcome back
I Can Only Hope.
Gimmy gimmy
I want me muh points!
I suppose I could make use of 5k points. Nice of you guys to be so generous.
Me. Pick Me!!
Thanks for the opportunity
5000 points yes please
me wants turbine points!
Excellent contest, keep them coming
Come on my lucky Kobold Foot!! *rub rub rub*
Well, I’m writing this cause I’vr got nothing better to say and because I wana win this
Awesome giveaway. Each of us would sure benefit from it.
Very nice giveaway. GL all.
Thanks guys
Good luck to all and may your rolls be crits!
Good luck podcast people!
Come on. Big money! No Whammies.
Hooray for DnD
May the luckiest person win! 🙂
I’m addicted to DDO 😀
I never win these things, but somehow I keep on entering them anyway.
Roll the bones for me!
C’mon daddy needs a new pair of shoes!
Thank you for the opportunity.
memememememe pick me
good luck all
Sounds Great Count Me In
Good luck to all!!!
More TP is always good….More podcast are even BETTER!!!!!
Need new shoes
I’ll keep my fingers crossed, I could use this,
Ciao bella!
I see your five dragon scales and raise you five beholder stalks
5000 free TP? Awesome!
Let’s do this~!
good luck to all!
Wow, that’s a lot of TP =)
Turbine Points! YAY!
Turbine points?! OH HELL YEAH!!
5000 TP is an amzing give-away. Good luck everyone.
Awesome contest
i am unlucky but let’s try…
Oh all the DDO goodies to get!
New to ddo. could use these
I’d like to say that “We’re all winners” but statistically…
Well, at least we all tried,
Kobolds on the Edge!
Oh, my – yes. Let’s do it.
Yes! Turbine points!
This sounds great!! Can we use them for LOTRO too?? Or is it DDO only (which wouldn’t be a problem btw 😛 )?
wow – first? thank you!
Oh cool! Very nice contest. Thank you!
This would be awesome to win! 🙂
First! 🙂
Let’s try the luck.
Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
Long live DDO!
Life long DDO player.
5000 is alot of TP
Gimmeh ma 5000 TPs!
Congratulations on the Patreon goals!
Best of luck all!
Wow, this is very generous of you! 🙂
Back after 2 years off. Can’t stay away from DDO!!!
Woot 🙂
Wow! Thanks for offering this!
Pick me please 🙂
This is my Comment to enter the Giveaway
This is Cool, will bookmark this page!
No matter where you go, there you are. Buckaroo Bonzai.
This sounds great 🙂 Count me in!
Love turbine points. lets have fun playing.
Pulling a number 😉
I’d finally be able to unlock the stuff I’ve wanted for years, bit spent my to on adventure packs instead.
Great Idea =)
Just heard of Patreon and will have to check it out. Anything that supports the players and makes the game more fun is a plus as far as I’m concerned. Thanks…
Here’s hoping for 5k TP…
new to this site…liking it so far
Did I win?
What up…5000 points
would love 5ooo tp to spend
Gimps and Noobs
The redistribution of Turbine Points ….. to me!
5k in points count me in !
Glad you’re getting enough support to do things like this.
Here we go!
I can haz 5k points? seriously great giveway idea
If I win, I promise to donate 100 TP to the “teach Elminster how to show up before the battle is over (and to learn greater teleport so he isn’t leaving the adventurers in the lurch)”.
Loving the podcast, keep up the great work. Hope to see you guys in Ebberron
It’s good to see these type of contents. Big shout out to those at Patreon for doing this!
wow!!!! 5ktp?? *_*
Mmmmm, 5000 points. 🙂
Let the old man win
5000 just happens to be my lucky number.
Count me in!
Thanks for doing this and in the process, introducing me to DDOplayers.com 🙂
Who doesn’t want 5000 points?
Great contest
This might work 😉
Overshadowing banana.
Whoo hooo, all the points!!
daddy needs a new pair of shoes (and tomes, and charecter slots)
I hold this random spot.
Woohoo! Thanks for doing this!
Think of all those kobolds I could kill if I had 5000 Turbine points hahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…..cough cough cough
Awesome of you to do this!! 🙂
here is my comment
keep up the good work on the show guys!
This sounds like a great way to draw in new players…or to bring back old ones. Great idea, and hopefully keep them coming 🙂
I should be studing 🙂
Just what I need to outfit a new Warlock
Good luck all.
5000 points would be dope. Good luck to everyone and thanks for doing this.
5k is a huge reward. Thanks for the sweepstake! *crosses fingers*
pick me, pick me!!!!
Kobold never forget! Kobold remember Waterworks!!
What would Felicia Day do?
I could really use some TP right about now.
C’mon Big Money!!!
hello, not like i will win but lets try
a turbine point for every hour I wish I could play in the year.
The anticipation of a 5000TP arrival 🙂
Great idea for ddaddicts!
Great contest idea!
man that sure would come in handy
thank you for these giveaways
Count me in 😉
I’m f2p, so the points would come in handy ;->
Im in.
Kobold smell all! Kobold Omni-sniff-ient…
Oh, that would be so very nice! Thanks guys for this! I love DDO!!!
As Donkey would say, “Pick me! Pick me!”
Sweet thanks goodluck everyone!
Nice Gesture
What a surprise. Good on you all! Thanks for doing this.
Long live the Elven Syndicate!!!!!!
Yippee yahooy… free points!
This contest is a wonderful idea… Perhaps these 5000 points will make a suitable offering in lieu of bartering my character’s souls away in strange pacts to potentially evil powers.
Cannot wait for level cap increase, Amrath, and Warlocks (hoping to make a lawful good paladin/warlock/cleric laser lord).
Woot!!! Count me in!! 🙂
I like TP
Sounds like fun.
Wow 5000 tp Imagine all those trs I can do
I love Pointed Turbines. All the better to get amazing things to happen with.
Props for a cool giveaway. Good luck with selection, quite the variety here. Cheers!
All the quests I would complete if I had more tp
That would be greatly appreciated.
DDO is still the most fun MMO out there!
Been playing DDO for 6 years.5000 turbine points would be awesome 🙂
Woohoo! Me likey! More to contribute to the evil empire known as WB!!
Don’t Worry, all we have left is to find the Phlactery, the shadow dragon, the Kuls, and the trash. Piece of cake! (Famous last words)
Do or do not, there is no try!
Also, kudos (or kudos not…) to you for this!
Thanks for doing this!
Muy Bueno!
Please let me win!
Woot! Ya’ll keep up the great work!
Incredibly shiny that will buy me shinies! Muhuwhahaha…
I want in!
yum, an item of unimaginable evil power.
Come take my sadness away and make my day.
Best of luck to everyone!
I like free! 😀
wait what? i dont even…
I could definitely use some extra Turbine Points!
Thanks for organizing this ddo giveaway 🙂
Woot, can’t have too many TP!
So generous!
jabberwock bletherskate
Free is good, we’ll not always but this is!
Me Like that.
Yay! Good luck to whoever wins!
Free money.
Gimme the points 😀
Yes, now is the time to ‘earn’ more TP, BEFORE you are desperate for it.
I’m still learning the game, so the extra points would be nice. I like this game.
woot tp 😀
Hi Welcome
Good show
By signing this agreement you are willing to foresake any claim upon your soul or any loot rolls, your choice!
gimme the prize!
Thanks guys!
I have so many things I need to buy! Come on lucky Gold Roll!
Hey neat!
Good luck to everyone
Great! Good luck all.
I’m entering new territory at Level 14, so if you see me in Thelanis and want to help out a new guy, drop me a line!
This is very nice. Good luck everyone!
TP for my bung hole!!!
You guys are awesome
*looks up from coding a hack to win the random roll
Nothing to see here, nothing at all…
Lets hope I win 🙂
Good Luck Everyone
nice giveaway.. hope I get lucky
Awesome idea, I’ll be bookmarking you guys, looks like you have a hub of info, I might stay a while.
Let me try my luck as well 🙂
hope ill get it
Very generous. 😀 Thank you, Turbine and all the lovely supporters on Patreon.
“All DDO Players past or current staff and immediate family are not be eligible for this contest.”
Really? So who is eligible?
Sure, I like free stuff. 🙂
Hey thanks alot.So rare to find a real free contest.Good luck and have fun questing everyone 😎
sure lets give this a try lol
Please, please, please, let me win RNG.
very cool! just found out about this website through the devtracker, will definitely check it out.
Nice to have a straight up open contest without having to do a bunch of hoop jumping.
Would be amazing is all I can say. Been pure f2p all this time, definitely could use it, Have my very first legend toon and its a struggle Leveling to say the least hehe.
The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water, signifying by divine providence that I, Evilgardengnome, was to carry Excalibur. THAT is why I am your king.
Points!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀
Lovely idea!
Nice to have … happy holiday for all
C’Mon Lucky number (?) To tired. Been playing for 17 hrs straight. Responded to someone elses comment my mistake.
very nice thing to do for the community. thank you.
DDO is great! And Turbine Points even more so! Many thanks to Patreon!
Awesome ♥
Hello,thanks to this chance to win…
Cool giveaway.
Yay! This is amazing keep up the good work!
Oh my, that’s crazy. 5k pts is a lot.
Will there be cake too?
Good luck to everyone
Happy hunting 🙂
5000TP can really help
Great podcast, keep up the good work guys, here’s hoping for the rng’s blessings 🙂
Thank you.
Nice amount of TP!
hmmm… what would i do with so many points?!?
that is so nice!lets see 🙂
I never win anyway!
a 5000 Tp code Contest..now thats IMPRESSIVE , actually I meant LEGENDARY , oh wait I mean EPIC….you know what I sayin and thnx for the Contest 🙂
woot! Free stuff is cool!
Ooh great idea, awesome 🙂
Well done! Good luck everyone and cool site. Thx.
Lol Pray to the gods for good fortune
Nice one.
Nice idea to get ppl here.
awasome !
Good luck, everyone!
Tremendous giveaway! DDO Players woot woot
Grats to the winner! Good luck all!
I definitely wouldn’t mind this.
Can’t win if you don’t play…so here it is.
5000 TP is a lot of TP. So, why not? Count me in.
Gonna have to kite this one, like all the others…
Great contest, thanks! : )
Looking to upgrade our guildship … this would sure help!!!
Leaving to sacrifice goat to the random number god….
Against all Odds, I expect to win this 🙂
I hope i win 🙂
Much appreciated!
i love DDO and even more Turbine points 🙂
Sounds like gravy
Me wants TP!!11one
5000 TP would be nice. Thanks.
Nice offer, would help Otto away a wonky build!
Wow guys, thanks for running this 🙂
Whoo hooo, all those points for me ! Cheers !
Ante’s in. Bets the long shot. 🙂
But the dice hate me..
May the luckiest comment win!
I’ve been playing D&D since 1980. I still play pen&paper with my college friends in the same Greyhawk campaign for the last 25 years. I love DDO!
Oh please please RNGeesus… I promise I will use those 5K TPs for the greater glory of gaming!
My precisous. . .
Awesome guys!
*Kobold voice* Ooooooh Turbiiiiine Pooooints!
Nice giveaway, guys. Love the podcast .
Pick me, pick me!
Sweet giveaway
Cool…! Good luck to everyone..!
Very nice !
Yep, I’m in
Ohhhh… shines, Kobold loves shines. Better yet! Free shineeees. Give them! Give them all to me! Kobold need many barel though.
I find having to scroll down to the end of the comments to leave my own to be a bit of a nuisance.. I thought I couldn’t leave a comment at first.
Good luck everyone.
This would be nice. I’m in!
good luck to everyone
yay for 5k
I’m fine with this.
Nice guys! Thank you!
Cheers! Appreciate all you do and now this too!
Winning would be fabulous – what a great prize!
Durp? Durp!
Here’s hoping….
Most generous. Here’s hoping…
Woot! Gimme points! please
I could use some free TP!
keep on rocking
Good luck and gratz to the winner 😉
Good Luck
5000 TP would be lovely!
5000 ddo points would be nice
Worth a shot haha 🙂
nice, n good luck to all
Oohh Shiny! that’s a lot of TP guys. Also love the show keep up the awesome work!
5000 shinies will help kobold create more chaos
Crosses fingers…
Hope I don’t roll a 1
Thanks guys
Everyone could use some Turbine Points!
All your Turbine Points are belong to me.
Thanks, sure glad the vertical scroll bar had enough room.
I voted House Kundarak.
Awesome! Thanks.
I’m in.
Fingers crossed.
Glam/great idea, Thx for supporting DDO!
So we’ll be getting more spam?
Awesome contest guys.
Thanks guys!
Thanks! Good luck everyone!
nice one ^^
Nice to see community run contests still happening. Thanks!
Please give me the TP(Turbine Points & not Toilet Paper)
Thank you for hosting this!!! 🙂
Good luck everyone!
(Who am I kidding? What I really want is good luck to ME!)
With 5000 TP, I could finally win DDO!
I never win anything
Over here!
Owwoooo! Thanks for doing this!
Nice Job. Thanks for doing this.
Great idea. I had never seen this site before. Great introduction.
S W E E T!
/roll 1d100
Awesome! You guys are great.
hope to buy new packs O.o Good Luck All 🙂
Wahoo. Love me some DDO points!
i’d like to thank you all
Thanks for doing this!
Hoping for that natural twenty.
Semper FI!
GL everyone
Thank 🙂
Wow, good luck all & thanks Players!
Very nice promotion!
This is sweet.
I’ll give it a shot
Will spend all TP on shards… will reroll in ToEe chests. Will see no named items.
nice giveaway
Give me
greedisgood 5000
Thank you for doing this. One can never have too many Turbine points.
great promo. count me in!
5K tp would be sooooo nice.
Thanks for doing this. Keeping my fingers crossed!
This is awesome! Thank you for doing this!
Sure, why not. I like Turbine Points. 🙂
Super nice!
Hooray for free stuff!!!
Time to finally win something more than heroism pots……………….
Won’t hurt to try!
Ring a ding ding
Keep up the great work guys!
Daddy needs a new pair of rapiers.. Lol !!!
5000 TP is a great prize
Kobold wants! Yark!
Here comes the triple 20 roll!
I am Sundown!
Not a 1!
Me me me!
Really nice idea. I wonder how many people will end up leaving a comment here.
Sure, why not?
For Sure!
GG wp
cool giveaway:)
5000 means what 8 more alts?
Wow, this would buy my guild a new ship.
Rolls 20
come on points!! i need a +6 supreme tome
Thank you for doing this. 🙂
In for the contest 🙂
woot, I could use a few +5 LR hearts
Thanks for doing this, you are Awesome!
Come on lucky number…
dad need a new shoes
Oh Yeah!!!!!! Free Turbine Points!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for doing this giveaway!!!!!!
This would be a nice amount of points to have
Comment left
Yes please…I would like to Win Turbine points
nice prize thanks
Good luck everyone.
Winning a code for 5000 TP would be fantastic. Thank you for the oppurtunity
Keep up the great work guys!
My Shinies!
I van always use DDO points
My number is better than yours
Did i win yet? =P
Three cheers for DDO Players! Thanks, y’all.
A wise man once told me you give a player 5000 turbine points, he they spend them all in one day. You teach a player to farm turbine points, they have turbine points for a life time. Honestly I have no clue were im going with this.
Pick me i want a boat! x)
*Prays to Olladra*
Gimme, gimme, gimme!!!
Oh, wow!
That’s amazing 🙂
Probably just what I need to buy the last few packs I’m missing!!
Should we roll 1d5000 and higher wins? lol
Cool, keep up the good work!
Always looking for free points
This is a fantastic give away. Thanks DDOplayers.com!
Pick me pls! I’m f2p, I really need it -.-‘
Wooo shiny *kobold voice*
Nice thing. 🙂
These are even better than the contests Turbine launches 😛
I’d like to have the points to get the rest of the adventure packs ^.^
Great to see support for the f2p players.
Oow Oow Pick Me!!!
TP is good for the soul!
5000 points would be nice. Real nice.
That would give me a lot of cookies and cakes. 🙂
But of course!
Would love Turbine Points!! Thank you 🙂
I like free stuffz.
may i be so lucky
It will be wonderful, enough to get 2 expansions!
All your giveaways are belong to me!
For The Hand Of Death
yay TP
I would love that! Wish me luck lol
Good luck all. Shall Bahamut bless this giveaway!
I could sure use that. 🙂
Would like it a lot
Pick me! Pick me!
I’ll probably have better luck winning this than waiting for a 6 to 7 tome to drop
I can’t help but imagine what I will do with all those TP’s!!!
Count me in, you never know 🙂
Do you feel lucky “Did I fire five shots or six”
Free T-Points i’m in
already know how i would spend it.
Greetinigs .. nice giveaway , good luck
Sacrificed a chicken for this…
Please please please please 🙂
Hooray for community activities!
My comment
Boy, the things I could do with 5k points. I could get my hubby’s guild the top of the line ship. 😀
Hey look, a giveaway I’d never win!
ok,I’ll comment
If I win it would be miracle
This generosity is wonderful! Kudos to you guys/gals! 🙂
You were chosen randomly through random.org as the winner. I just sent you an email. You have one week to reply back to the email or else the code goes on to a new winner.
Sorry but it has been a week so the code is going on to a new winner 🙁
Good luck everyone!
Since starting to play DDO I have learned many lessons and have been honored to teach and mentor several players within my guild and even those that are not. I hope other Hosts do the same. DDO is a great game.
DDO still ROCKS!!!. After more than 5 years in the game, I still love it.
That’s a lot of scrolling to find the comment box! I enjoy the podcast! Thanks for the contest.
Count me in..
I enjoy this game so much!
Good luck 🙂
My wife needs adv packs…. Here’s hoping!
Yes, please
Good luck all
Thanks guys!
I don’t want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!
PLEASE! pick me pretty please. DDO players u r very generous thank you.
Sniff, I seem to never win anything.
Lets hope it changes this time 🙂
oh, yes, come to daddy points!!!
Intresting, lets see how it goes.
I hope I win, I never win. All my money goes to trips to see my dying dad. So can’t afford extra points. Please Pray for him.
Good luck and have fun all
Thank you ddo!
I would love 5000 TP
Roses are red, violets are blue, this post is nonsense but TPs are fine.
I like points! 🙂
Woot… TP!!! Thats a nice contest!
Was looking for something else, but not sorry to thumple on this page.
Holy crap I’m #445. Enjoy the podcast gentlemen. Keep up the great work!
Lets see if i roll a 20 on this giveaway
I have to say the DDO community is probably one of the best there is. Thank you in advance if I am fortunate enough to be picked to win. And thank you for the opportunity if I am not.
I like bacon 🙂
I, uh, have no excuse; me just want some points. :^)
well i will follow the rules and comment, if however I do not win I will send my warforged barbarian friend to soften up the management whilst I sneak in pick the locks and steal the Turbine points anyway…..
all i have to do is comment? COOL!
points, for a comment? Pick Me!! 😀
Come on lucky number whatever I am.
If only…. 😉
more points
Badda-Bing, Badda-Boom!
Good luck guys!
oh great!
I could use those points
new to ddo and this would help me out so much if i win the tp
This gives me ideas on how to get people to run the old Titan raid. Bribe them with gifts?
Free points!
Thanks for keeping the game interesting.
Something that everyone can use.
Go Go DDox!!!
Points !
Gotta get those points for hearts!
This sounds great!
Good luck everyone, but mostly me. 😀
Would really love to get one of these codes… 🙂 GL all!
I wanna win
Here’s hoping. Thanks for running this giveaway!
I could always use more points.
May the gods help me !
I *SO* wanna win!
awesome idea! thanks for doing this!
Can always use extra Turbine points. Thanks for doing this!
Wow! That’s a lot of comments
So, how much spam is this gonna generate in my Email??
Neeeeeeeeeed those Turbine Points!
Turbine Snoints (Snail Points)
You guys are fabulous
Congrats on reaching your goal! Here’s to many more broadcasts in your future!
Points please ! 😉
I’m summoning Falkor for this!
I love turbine points.
I do enjoy me some turbine Points
Kewl site!!!! Heard anything about the update?
I didn’t even realize they had giveaways fingers crossed
When is maintenance going to be over? I WANT TO PLAY!
Good luck everyone !
Well the cleric need more storage, fingers crossed
Keep up the good work
Sign me Up
keep up the good work
winning the tp would really help me out
That would be amazing!
Just got back to the game, would be an awesome way to get ToEE, Haunted Halls and the new content.
I’m in.
Just in time for my birthday on the 27th.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Would be nice 🙂
I feel like a dog in front of a sausage
Pick me! Pick me! 🙂
me me me me . . . . . . . pleeeeease
Thanks for putting up the podcast each week
Free points free points more more
Draculetta for President!!
5000 !!! ???? really that is sweet could really use some things for my account …. Please 🙂 I promise i will still be around even if i don’t win. Invested this many years already. I honestly can’t say i am going anywhere anytime soon.
So, with my usual luck I doubt I’ll win but meh, let’s give it a try. Thanks guys for the chance and good luck to everyone
I will promise to waste them on glamour kits 🙂
I’d rather spend your points than mine. 🙂
Come on turbine points missed these past few expansion packs. Well anyway good luck to everyone!!!
This sounds wicked. Well done!! 🙂
I’d share some if I could…:)
Points are always welcome.
DDO Rocks
Woot! Outstanding give away
Rolling my lucky dice !!!!!
Commenting for Points!
What do you think are the chances of wining?
Papa needs some turbine points!
I can feel some points coming this way :p
I actually have lots of points, but I have friend who could really use 5000 extra.
oh what I could do with free points
I would gladly not pay you on Tuesday for 5000 TP today. And a hamburger.
Good luck all!
I’ve only ever had like 600 TP’s and that’s after my 500 a month.
What to do with 5000… *dreams*
Think I replied with a comment… but I can’t remember or find my name D:
Good stuff guys 🙂 Great Cast! Love Giveaways! Good Luck Everyone!
free turbine points? more bank space!!
Yay points!
Has to be worth a punt! Thank you for the give away very generous of you 🙂
Awesome, count me in.
ddo for the win
Here goes nothin’
I sure could use these
nice contest
Lets go !
WOOHOO! How cool would this be?
You get TPs, and you get TPs, EVERYBODY gets TPs!!!
love this game
Points..points….come to me!
Now that the TOEE is up, how about giving us the Salvatore treatment with Menzoberranzan? Oh heck yeah…
Good luck to all!!!!
I could do a lot of good for my character with 5000 Turbine points
Thank you for a great game
I hope RNG Jesus is by my side this time!
Member since 2006
Kobold remembers Waterworks.
it takes a magic: Abracadabra!! 😀
Ddo for the win!
Free TP any day.
I still love DDO. Its simply the best MMO out there.
DDO the game to rule them all
I certainly could use those TPs!
thk and good luck
Let’s try!
Here’s hoping!
Live long and prosper 🙂
DDO Rulz!
Good luck, everyone!
may the odds be ever in our favor 🙂
Outstanding! Hope to win!
lucky maybe?
Oh how I wish this would come my way!
I have been a player since BETA, many many years ago. I am pleased with the strong support that Turbine and the DDO community has shown the players and the game. Remember when the Vault of Night was too scary
Good luck all…a gift from gods…
Free stuff?
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!
May Kol Korran smile upon me.
Open sesame
Big money; big money! No whammy… no whammy… STOP!
When you wish upon a star….
Show me the money!!!!!
Wow, thanks for the giveaway. Even if I don’t win, 5000 TP is huge!
80 lives and still counting Locksnpycks on Kyber
DDO Rocks!
Where’s a 100 roll when I really need it on my daily dice?
congrats to the lucky winner way to go
Count me in!
Muahaha! Free points? COUNT. ME. IN!
Yay free stuff 😀
Better odds than the lottery 🙂
The previous winner did not respond within a week so we went through random.org again and you are the new winner. You have a week to reply back to the email I sent you.
I’d murder for that many points! Well, maim. Brutally. Okay yeah, murder.
Awesome!!! This would be the ULTIMATE birthday present. I say “Thanks for giving the opportunity to us with having a chance for a great reward :D”. Good Luck to All
Good Luck to Everyone !!!!!
5000 Points…..No Whammies!!!!
Great Game!
Entered. Thanks for the opportunity
and wow 5k pts
This is my comment
Ask and you shall receive.
how awesome would it be to win 5k tp
Ooohooo shiny!!!
Good luck everyone, we’re all winners here!
There’s something strange in my coffee…
Thank you for the chance to explore new places…
is good game
Not in the face, Not in the face, love the game
Hope this goes well 😀
I can’t remember if I entered already? So here I am, entering. Again? Hope not.
That is a goodly amount of points. Nice prize.
Wow, that’s a very generous offer!
Would be helpful
Here is my try.
May DDO live long and prosper. C’mon 5000!
Luck Be A Lady Tonite
What a great idea to get players together.. Love it
*Insert totally mercenary comment here by someone who’s never even been on the site before but is only here for the giveaway*
I think.
May as well. Nothing to lose, everything to win. 🙂
D and D FOREVER !!!!
New tomes here i come
Win win win 🙂
i’ll try it. good luck guys!
what a devious way to get me to register here 😉
Big money, big money!
I’m the lucky one!!!!
Best fansite giveaway ever? Gratz for the success.
i never won a roll for loot on parties, why i would win here???/
Your Patreons are awesome!
Thanks to DDO Players for doing this!
nice giveaway mmmm…
Most excellent!
Really starting to get a kick out of DDO. Been along time since I did anything DD related. Seems like almost every time I log in I find something new and interesting.
Give all the points to me!
I sure could use the extra points. Thanks
What would I do with 5000 TP, i can only dream…
Crosses fingers and hopes my number comes up.
good luck all. Expect the chance to be around 1 in 800.
This would be a nice present for my brother, whos birthday is soon.. 😀
Hope I’m lucky
theres so many of us entering, we could each get 1 point instead xD
Excellent giveaway, very cool :). Ty
Good luck to me.
Good Luck All!
good luck all
5K pts? here please 😀
Getting close to 200 Epic Rusty Gilled Mushrooms, back to the Temple I go!
1st time player here. I really hope to be lucky and WIN!! 😉
5K points sounds good to me
Innit to winnit
Let’s roll !!!
Ooo! Shiney!
Wow thx for the game ;). Lets win 5k points. 😉
Started a month ago- catching the fever!!!!
Would be nice to have as a new player! 🙂
Gl all!
very nice!!
Don’t look further. This is the winner comment.
let’s do it!!
luck with me!
Sweet, thanks for the chance!
Thanks for running such a cool contest!
I’m up all night to get lucky~
Daddy needs a new bladeforged
Hi this do seem to be a very interesting concept , and a effective way to get people to come to the website and leave comment , and this is is a nice site.
Hi there
i would like to recive 5000 turbine points but its just the luck of the draw
Well, since I’m here I might as well enter. 🙂
good luck to everyone and gratz to whoever wins it.
neat site. Guess i’ll enter too!
i would love to win the giveaway to get guild renown pots so i can lvl my guild up and do a lot more with those points
Its always good to heave a extra point too spend and thanks
Thanks, I hope this is not a ‘pointless’ exercise for me! 🙂
Blessings and luck to all who have entered.
Sure, I’ll give it a try!
There we go. Coyle forever!
Sounds good!
win plz
I wish I can win! This is my favorite game of all time!!
Fingers crossed
this is very generous of you
I`m a Lucky Guy! XD
I’m Game
Nice contest!
Sweet! I’ve love to win this.
Roses are red violets are blue, DDO is awesome!
I have to win because I keep rolling a 1 in daily dice!
Long live DDO
Great giveaway – thanks!
Thanks, This is very generous of you.
Great! Sign me up!
Pick me!
Cool! Great Contest!
Congrats to Tarlanon on being chosen as the winner. They have 1 week to reply back to the email that was sent to them. Otherwise the code goes on to a new winner.
Tarlanon did not reply back in time so we went to random.org and now Don is the new winner. He has a week to reply back to the email I sent him. Otherwise the code goes on to a new winner.
Don replied in time and so the giveaway is now over. Congrats to Don on winning 🙂