Basic/1st edition for the memories of those early gaming years.
2nd edition for the years of play that it got. (and Humanoids!)
Never tried 3.5 PnP or might have liked that, too.
Holmes Basic boxed edition followed by the first edition of AD&D. I can’t think of anything other than the original release of Star Wars, also late 70’s, that sparked my imagination more.
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1st ed AD&D followed closely by the white box but I have given up on pnp d&d and move to the superiour game 5th ed hackmaster
Hackmaster is SO MUCH fun! And it can be VERY brutal as well!!
3.5, however if you’re a 4.0 I’d still hit it.
Basic/1st edition for the memories of those early gaming years.
2nd edition for the years of play that it got. (and Humanoids!)
Never tried 3.5 PnP or might have liked that, too.
Ah ues I ha e so many good memories of basic and 1rst myself that’s where I cut my teeth.
Holmes Basic boxed edition followed by the first edition of AD&D. I can’t think of anything other than the original release of Star Wars, also late 70’s, that sparked my imagination more.
Started with 1st AD&D. But by and far 2nd holds the fondest memories with a friend that is no longer with us.