The Stormreach Campaign

Deadlock a player on the Ghallanda server, recently undertook a HUGE fan made project.


The Stormreach Campaign is a player-made DDO campaign guide featuring the history of Eberron, XP tables, maps, and lore from DDO’s quests!

Deadlock tells me


I’ve recently completed a project to create a campaign guide for DDO based on nostalgic memories of old P&P campaign docs. The result is a story-based narrative that takes you from coming round on a wintery beach in Korthos, through all of the Eberron based content. Each chapter is semi-self contained and give you a bit of introduction storyline, then outlines the quests that you have to do and some “Victory” narrative at the end.

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Bascily what this is a “guide” while your in game. this looks and reads like a classic DnD Module from days past.

Deadlock says

It’s purely an narrative storyline to take you through all of the Eberron content of DDO – partly to put it into a chronological order that makes sense but mostly to tie the whole thing together.

It’s there purely to emphasise some of the great storylines that we have that I don’t think are done justice.

If your a lore junkie, you will eat this stuff up

The interesting thing is that there is a lot of rich lore and content mentioned by NPC’s in the game that is often wasted on the players. So Turbine have put an effort into this side of the game, but I think partly because of the lack of voice acting in a lot of NPC dialogue, a lot of people just skim over the block of text and look at the “Agree to xxxxxx” or “Walk away” options at the bottom and hit the one that obviously progresses things.

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Deadlock gives an example

Take the Plane of Xoriat for example. The Plane of Xoriat was sealed by the Gatekeepers to end the Daelkyr War. These wards persisted for 8000 years but suddenly we are coming across portals to Xoriat that should be impossible. Whether you like or loath the Delerium quests in DDO, there’s a massive story arc there that begins with the Xorian Cipher has a huge event revealed at the end of The Gate Chamber continues through Invasion and Dreams of Insanity and from then on we almost accept it as normal that Xorian stuff is just another quest. Where I think we should at least be stopping and thinking … em …. 8000 year old wards that sealed one of the planes have been broken by events that we took part in.

You’ll also see that the stories become more significant as your character progresses. So where you start by bumping into random strangers in taverns, as the chapters progress, you’re being specifically selected by the Silver Flame, the Coin Lords and the other Patrons of the Houses.

Each chapter begins with a Storyline and concludes with a Victory blurb written from the point of view of a DM narrating to their players. In most cases the narrative addresses “you” as a player but there are a few instances where it’s written from the point of view of an NPC to flesh out the story or the conclusion of a story.

The quests are grouped into chapters which are designed to be played during a single 2 to 4 hour session, making the campaign suitable for a static party wishing to explore the full depth of the

The 324 Page PDF Can be downloaded via dropbox.

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Congratulations on putting this together, and for doing this for the community as a whole!

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4 thoughts on “The Stormreach Campaign

  1. Wow, if you ever do a 2nd edition reprint, I would happily pay for a copy or two, or to help offset the printing costs, or both! This is amazing,

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