Order of the Stick Reaches 1000 Strips



The Order of the Stick started a little under twelve years ago, soon after the release of the Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition. The comic started mainly as a parody of D&D but has since gained a really epic story line. The last few strips were building to the 100th episode and this strip did not disappoint. If you have never followed The Order of the Stick, head over to their web site. I suggest you start at the beginning, as the latest strip can only truly be appreciated if you understand the story that has been building up to this point.

In the image above, the characters are from left to right:

  • Belkar Bitterleaf, a ranger with a killer instinct
  • Vaarsuvius, a wizard of unknown gender
  • Elan, a bard with more charisma than smarts
  • Haley Starshine, the lovable rogue
  • Durkon Thundershield, a priest of Thor
  • Roy Greenhilt, a fighter that actually invested heavily into Intelligence

Pineleaf Needles

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