Downtime Notice: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM Eastern Monday, November 2nd
Cordovan posted on the forums about some upcoming downtime:
The DDO Game Servers will be brought down on Monday, November 2nd from 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM Eastern (-4 GMT) for a hotfix. Thanks for your patience, and we’ll see you back in the game soon!
The release notes where also posted
DDO Store
- Fixed an issue that required reincarnated characters to log out then back in after making a purchase in the DDO Store.
- Manyshot now increases Doubleshot by 120 and Ranged Power by 4 x Base Attack Bonus.
Quests and Adventure Areas
- Adjusted some instance settings in Delera’s Graveyard to improve performance.
- To improve game client performance, we have greatly reduced the number of “line of sight” checks for the following spells, which now check “line of sight” from their center point:
- Evard’s Black Tentacles
- Blade Barrier
- Earthquake
- Hellball
- Ice Storm
- Lightning Motes
- Otto’s Sphere of Dancing
- Sleet Storm
- Sunburst
- Wall of Fire
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