DDO Player News Episode 65 Arraetrikos Epic Promise Ring

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We are joined by Bonnie Bew and The Damsels Of DDO – Sahba Jade, Lessah, Mythery For our year end review of 2015! We also give you our predictions for what’s to come and our resolutions for next year. Warning! Things get crazy. Really crazy, but of course with these 4 we should not be surprised at all!
Game News
Store Sales
Free Sample Of The Week December 24th – January 7th
Lasting Potion of Resist Fire x5 Use Coupon Code 6dmRyAgAUxcSd 2/Account
25 % Off
- Adventure Packs
- Quest XP Elixirs
December Deals December 24th – 31st
35 % Off
- Sovereign Healing Potions Bonnie: OMG I bought 100 Superior Healing pots yesterday! Stoopid! Stoopid!
- Challenge Tools
- Lessah: Wut is a Challenge Tool? (Me! I am a challenge tool.)
- Bonnie: Lessah IS a Challenge Tool. That’s just science.
75 % OFF
- Artificer Class
- +2 Tome of Fate
50 % OFF
- Select Cosmetic Armors and Outfits
- Skill Tomes
Triple Bonus Points – Through Jan 3rd
Bonnie: Public Service Announcement! – Purple and Yellow Cosmetic Eyes have been added to the DDO Store! Tell all your Moose friends! This just in! Mooseypanyts has Purple Eyes! Purple Eyes have been acquired!
DDO Players News
Shadowfell Conspiracy Collector’s Edition Giveaway Winner Announcement
News Beyond DDO
On The Table Top
DDO Year In Review
Update 25 Reign of Elemental Evil
- The Temple of Elemental Evil
- ToEE Crafting
- Monster Manual Volume IV
- Rogue enhancements reworked (Assassin / Mechanic / Thief-Acrobat)
- Update 25 named items
Update 26 Warlock’s Legacy
- New class: Warlock
- Update 26 named items
Update 27 Trials of the Archons
- 3 new quests: The Archons’ Trial, Demon Assault, The Devil’s Details
- 1 raid: Defiler of the Just
- Monster Manual Volume V
- Update 27 named items
Update 28 The Devil’s Gambit
- 4 new quests: Tavern Brawl, Grim and Barett, Subversion, Multitude of Menace
- Ranger enhancements revamp: Deepwood Stalker, Tempest
- Monster Manual Volume VI
- Update 28 named items
- The Night Revels event
- Lessah Loved this!
Update 29 The Codex War
- Level cap raised to 30
- New XP curve / additional Twist of Fate slot
- Epic/ED feats addition
- All new Legendary feats
New Legendary contents
- Quests: To Curse the Sky, Creeping Death
- Raids: The Codex and the Shroud, Legendary Tempest’s Spine, Legendary Hound of Xoriat
Update 29 named items
- Crafting: Legendary Green Steel items
What was the best quest or raid added to the game in 2015?
- Bonnie- Ok, because of holiday business, I have not actually run the new raids from U29! I know! I haven’t done Legendary Shroud yet! I’m so ashamed. I’m holding off on one of my favorite quests from 2015 until a later question, which leaves 2 other favorites: Creeping Doom from U29 (Garko sure knows how to get around!) and The Archons’ Trial from U27 (Zen and the Art of Floor Tile Puzzle Maintenance).
- Pineleaf – Creeping Death (The ultimate Tile Puzzle)
- Sahba- Temple Of E.E.
- Lessah- Chronoscope!
- Mythery- Grim And Barret/TOEE
- Drac- For me Devil’s Gambit as I ran those things tons Stupid RNG
Which update was the best update of 2015?
- Pineleaf – Temple
- Bonnie- Because I suck and haven’t done Legendary Shroud yet, I’m going to say ToEE. Because Wil Wheaton’s balls. No really, I just had a lot of fun running through the Temple this year., and Zuggtmoy is my favorite demon lord.
- Sahba- Temple
- Lessah- That one with the stuff and the thing. (That was a joke, I only paid attention to updates because Sahba Jade made me and I got pissed off because crafting is temporarily screwed up. So no update was my favorite.)
- Mythery- Temple
- Drac – This one is tough. I think it’s a tie for me Update 25 Reign of Elemental Evil, Update 26 Warlock’s Legacy
What is the best Non Raid/Quest Thing Added To DDO IN 2015
- Pineleaf – Warlock
- Bonnie- I’m going to go with Larger Stacks of Thieves’ Tools. Because it was a little thing that made such a difference!
- Sahba- Thieves’ Tools, Rogue enhancements, Monster Manual
- Lessah- Buttons of Winning came back!
- Mythery- New cookies
- Drac- Thieves Tools that stack! My rogue is very happy with this change/Warlock
Bonnie: P.S. Guys Guys I think somebody is supposed to say Wolflocks.
What are you most looking forward to with DDO in 2016?
- Pineleaf – Gnomes (and 10th Anniversary)
- Bonnie- Gnomeageddon! (I’ve got a sound effect for this. Maybe. Will send Drac SOON)
- Sahba- 10th Anniversary
- Lessah- The game not ending. I just bought triple points…I need to spend them.
- Mythery- Surprise me
- Drac-Not Gnomes as we all know by now. The 10th Anniversary event
DDO Predictions For Next Year
Which “Classic” Module is next?
- Pineleaf – Ravenloft
- Bonnie- I have a special place in my heart for ‘Expedition to the Barrier Peaks’, and that place is filled with laser guns. I really like the modern Out of the Abyss campaign, though, so I’m kind of yearning for more Underdark Madness!
- Sahba- Ravenloft
- Lessah- Eh?
- Mythery- P-nut butter
- Drac-I really want this to be Ravenloft, but I’m going to say Tomb Of Horrors
Will Deep Gnomes Be A Iconic?
- Pineleaf – Please no
- Bonnie- I hope so! It kind of keeps with the theme of Iconic Forgotten Realms entities. Would a Deep Gnome be a Wizard, though? Hmm…
- Sahba-Please, none of those things.
- Lessah- G-spot will be a small addition to the game, a tiny ripple in the fabric of the universe. An iconic G-spot will certainly have a short trip to level 20.
- Mythery- nope
- Drac-I would say, this makes the most sense to expend your options for it
Will we see a new raid this year?
- Pineleaf – What’s a raid?
- Bonnie- Is Drac hoping for a total party wipe in his tabletop campaign? Of course there will be a new raid this year!
- Sahba-Yes
- Lessah- Tell me more about raids.
- Mythery- Ya
- Drac-Nope, I think they will continue to “legendarfi” older raids
Which raid will get the “legendary” treatment next
- Pineleaf – Again, what’s a raid?
- Bonnie- I’m hoping for Legendary Twilight Forge/The Titan Awakes, because Legendary Bew! Bew! Lasers!
- Sahba-Von 5/6
- Lessah- Chronoscope
- Mythery- TOD
- Drac- Legendary Abbot
Our DDO Resolutions
- Pineleaf- Start a ranger and reach at least level 20
- Bonnie- I resolve to kill even less owlbears! Also, I resolve to start preparing for Legendary Shroudpalooza! And less Walls of Text! (I’m lying about the last one. Fear my words!)
- Sahba- (I normally do not make resolutions so ) To Get Drac To Lvl 30 from 15
- Lessah- To get the shard and seal of the Full Plate of the Ring Leader and wear it!
- Mythery- (Normally does not make resolutions) Get a few more lives on my Epic Completionist
- Drac- Get my Rogue to Lvl 28 (I”m setting the bar low) Run Haunted Halls (So many fond memories of pen and paper) and run some raids. Play more on Argo (with those that won’t come over to Canninath to play with me) lol
Damsels Section To Plug/Talk Whatever
It’s a dog eat dog world tomorrow as the wolf pack (all of us) take on the Hound!
With the help of Sahba Jade and Mythery Inferno, I finally got the courage to start my own Roleplay Permadeath project and I’m nervous it will rip a hole in time and space. The “Fanservice Guild” on the Cannith server will be open for general admission after OUR month or so of play testing! Look for details in the DDO Forums (and at Damsels of DDO.com) on how to join the play-test static group!
Bonnie Section to Plug/Talk Whatever
- I may have a new DDO song, “A Festivult Carol (Duet for Halfling and Elf)”, up on YouTube in time for tonight’s show, but I am also chatting to Moosey right now and getting nothing done! So we shall see! Okay, I’m still filming snow and shrubbery. Blame Moosey, but I will have this on YouTube before this cast gets published.
- I want to plug a tweet from Christopher Perkins from yesterday. A player was asking about character ideas for his entertainer rogue forest gnome, and he replied “If you can talk your DM into giving you an awakened shrub companion, you’ll always have privacy when you take a pee.”
So I now want a cosmetic shrubbery companion for my future gnome more than anything. And SOMEONE who devs DDO likes shrubbery. Exhibit A: the ‘Grim and Barett’ end fight. I think this goal is possible!
So I tweeted at DDOUnlimited about this cosmetic shrubbery companion idea, and Chris Perkins faved it, so that’s kind of like a blessing from the current DM Pope! Bring us SHRUBBERY! Take my money!
Week in DDO
Drac Week
Rogue Lvl 21
Menace of the Underdark: The Darkening
- The Unquiet Graves
- The Lost Thread
- The Battle for Eveningstar
The Druid’s Deep (Epic Normal)
- Outbreak
- Overgrowth
- Thorn and Paw
- The Druid’s Curse (HOLY Crapola That Boss Fight)
Netherese Legacy (Hard)
- Detour
Murder By Night (Hard)
Don’t Drink The Water Holy Crap A Dragon.. (Got Pwned, and had to re enter then finish, dragon was almost dead)
Ranger/Rogue Lvl 18 With Pineleaf
The Codex War
- To Curse the Sky
- Creeping Death
Pineleaf Week
On Artificer 18 with Drac
The Codex War
- To Curse the Sky
- Creeping Death (the most complicated tile puzzle I ever recall seeing).
Pinetrap (PD) – Level 3 (Rogue 1 / Warlock 1 / Druid 1)
- Missing in Action
- The Sunken Sewer (almost drowned because I was burdened somehow)
Bonnie Week
Leveled Primzy Pinkbottle, now ready for the Damsel’s Wolf Cult, from level 11 to 18. I streamed part of it on Twitch. I was awful.
I also had a moment when I was collecting collectibles and caught myself cackling when I got my second Amulet of the Archbishop in one play session. I now call that the ‘Lessah Collectible Effect.’
Lessah Week
It was Christmas, any playtime I’ve had has been on Ghallanda trying to level my PD TR Pally back up to 20 (I am level 9 already!), writing the guidelines for my Roleplay PD Project, and setting up the new Guild on Cannith.
Sahba Week
Raided with Guild
Myth Week
I was recovering from making many Yark Peppermint patties and little cakes. Then I helped Lessah. 🙂 And apparently we did a show.
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iTunes Reviews
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Sahba Jade @SahbaJade
Lessah @Lessah
Mythery @Mythery1
Final Thoughts
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I’m sorry we exploded the train AND the tracks.
No, wait, I’m not sorry at all! It was a fantastic episode to be a guest, and I hope the listeners enjoyed it!