DDO Players Poll – What Fantasy Book Or Movie Would You LIke See Converted Into A Quest Chain?

As we recorded the podcast this week, we asked for idea for polls.
orion0825 suggested this poll during our live recording. If you have an idea for a poll send it to podcast@ddoplayers.com.
*NOTE* You are allowed to vote on more then 1 answer this week! you may vote for up to 4 choices
What Fantasy Book Or Movie Would You Like See Converted Into A Quest Chain?
[poll id=”25″]
Discworld is winning!!! All the votes for Discworld!
Oh, wait, I was the first to vote. Nevermind.
The Shining.
The Chronicles of the Black Company
The Malloreon series, By David Eddings
“The Black Cauldron” and “Fire and Ice” cartoons.