Here Is Where You Can Find The Dungeon And Dragons Team In 2016

Wizards Of The Coast has laid out the convention schedule for the D&D Team. Here is where you can find them

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Winter Fantasy
February 3-7 Fort Wayne, IN

Chris Lindsay and Mike Mearls will be heading to Fort Wayne to speak about the D&D Adventurers League and to answer all your questions about the Dungeon Masters Guild. We’ll have the world premiere of the season 4 adventures, giving you the first chance to brave their dangers and win their loot. Both Chris and Mike are also designing unique AL scenarios with magic items and loot you can’t earn anywhere else. Find out more about Winter Fantasy.

*Note DDO Players Will Be There And Covering The Show!*

Gary Con
March 3-6 Lake Geneva, WI

We’re heading to where it all began! Chris Lindsay, Chris Perkins, Trevor Kidd and Mike Mearls are super excited to attend our first Gary Con in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. What began as a game day to celebrate the life of Gary Gygax has expanded into an amazing experience for any D&D fan, old and new. We’ll have a room dedicated to Adventurers League play, Gary Con exclusive adventures prepared just for the show, the D&D Trivia Challenge, and more. Gary Con is your chance to sling dice and rub elbows with D&D creators from across the game’s history.

PAX East
April 22-24 Boston, MA

Chris Perkins, Trevor Kidd and Greg Tito will be in attendance at PAX East this year. Chris will be on hand to serve as Dungeon Master for another Acquisitions Inc. event with Mike, Jerry, Pat and Scott. Tons of Dungeons & Dragons will be playable in the open gaming spaces of PAX scheduled through the D&D Adventurers League.

June 15-19 Columbus, OH

In June, we head back to Columbus for Origins. Origins will be the D&D tabletop gaming event of the year, host to an exclusive Adventurers League preview for season 5, a sneak peek at things to come in 2016, and exclusive access to the D&D Open, the single biggest D&D RPG event of the year. That’s right, the D&D Open is back, and this time we’re challenging you to risk the lives and limbs of your favorite Adventurers League characters in an epic foray into Undermountain, the grandest dungeon of them all! The risks are great, but the rewards are even greater. If that’s not enough, we’ll have D&D board game tournaments, exclusive DMs Guild panels, awesome swag, and even more surprises.


*Note DDO Players Might be attending this, at least for one day! We will update any information as we know if we are indeed going to bring you some coverage of this convention this year!*



PAX Prime
August 28-31, 2015 Seattle, WA

PAX Prime will once again feature Acquisitions Inc. and D&D Adventurers League will be in full force. Because PAX Prime is close to the home office, it will boast the largest concentration of D&D staffers in attendance. We’ll be having panels and other events but we can’t spill the beans on all the details just yet. Stay tuned for more information!


So there is the full rundown of where the D&D team can be found during the convention year of 2016, But you might be asking your self, Wait! Where is Gen Con?

Mike Mearls Said

Gen Con is not on this list because we are changing things up to support more conventions and locations. Even though the Dungeons & Dragons team won’t be there we know our friends at Baldman Games will be hosting plenty of D&D adventures. It’s safe to say there will be ample opportunity to play Dungeons & Dragons during Gen Con. We’re excited to head to some new conventions this year and meet folks who don’t have the opportunity to travel to Indianapolis.

It’s not really a shock to see them not a Gencon.. They had a very small presence there last year to be honest. Sad, but I guess that’s the nature of the beast!

So, are you going to attend any of these conventions? If so which ones?

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