New Issue Of Dragon + Is Full Of Ravenloft Mistiness!

There is a new issue of Dragon + available now.
- You will notice this issue has a Ravenloft feel to it with the following included:
- An interview with Jum Zub (writer of the upcoming Minsc in Barovia story in the D&D comic)
- An wonderful article with Tracy and Laura Hickman, who created the original Ravenloft I6 module
- A travel piece that introduces you to the land of Barovia written by none other than Ed Greenwood!
- The star of this Ravenloft show is the Curse of Strahd Introductory Adventure Death House, which is a 12 page PDF Mini adventure designed to get characters to 3rd level as they explore a haunted townhouse, while introducing characters to the land of Barovia.
“This preview introduces characters to the land of Barovia. The Curse of Strahd book includes the original adventure, as well as expanded material developed in consultation with Tracy and Laura Hickman. It expands what we know about the lands around Castle Ravenloft and sheds new light on the dark past of the castle’s lord. The lands of Barovia are from a forgotten world in the D&D multiverse, and this adventure gives glimpses into that world. In time, cursed Barovia was torn from its home world by the Dark Powers and bound in mist as one of the Domains of Dread in the Shadowfell.”
There is of course some none Ravenloft things in this issue as well:
- They take a look at the top six warlock features in Sword Coast Legends Game, As the warlock is coming soon via some DLC.
- A copy of the recent Unearthed Arcana Mystic class
- A look at D&D board games,
- An interview with Acquisition Inc’s Patrick Rothfuss
- An article on disabled characters in D&D
- and some Sage Advice from Jeremy Crawford.
Dragon + can found on iOS and Android app stores, or view it on your desktop
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