Ravenloft Comes To The DMs Guild

You can now design and sell adventures, backgrounds etc. set in the Ravenloft for the DMs Guild website.
The text on the page reads
When you create your own title for the Dungeon Masters Guild, you get access to a hoard of resources. Your work can use any of the 5th Edition D&D rules published by Wizards of the Coast, plus decades of published material for the Forgotten Realms or Ravenloft setting. Additionally, Wizards and OneBookShelf will from time to time make additional resources such as stock art, template cover designs, template stat blocks, and other such assets available on the DMsGuild.com site for you to freely use in your Dungeon Masters Guild titles.
There is a new FREE PDF up right now called Ravenloft & The Dungeon Masters Guild that is
“A guide to the themes, tone, and other relevant details specific to writing adventure content for the Domain of Dread.”
When we talked with Mike Mearls and Chris Lindsay back at winter fantasy they did hint at the door was open for other settings to come into the DMs Guild.
I’m happy to see them adding Ravenloft, as I’m sure the community will come up with some great things.
The mists are calling what are you waiting for!
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