Port Forwarding update and changes

Mirthgar an Customer Service Representative made a post to the forums today detailing a few changes that you MIGHT have to make after the data center move is done and servers are back up.


If you previously setup port forwarding (or port triggering) on your router and/or modem for ports 9000-9010 UDP, updating the range of ports to 9000-9058 is now recommended.

If you have not previously done this and are experiencing disconnecting issues on transitioning areas in game or in general gameplay then you might need forwarding enabled. If so perform the following:

(Note that these steps below require you to have direct access to the configuration settings of your network hardware, if you do not have this access you may need to contact someone who does.)


He then goes on the list out step by step what you will need to do, if you NEED TO.. I would say (as I work in Computes/IT) that MOST players have not done this nor need too, but if you have or you have some problems, try the steps he listed out in the post.




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14 thoughts on “Port Forwarding update and changes

  1. Just to reiterate that this isn’t something 99.9% of our players will have to worry about. Unless you’ve manually set up port forwarding for DDO on your router, you probably won’t have to know about this. – Cordovan, Community Manager, DDO.

    1. Thanks for the reply.. I should have made this more clear in my post.. Just wanted to get it out there, if any had indeed done this.

  2. Sadly this didnt work for my issue, and still unable to log on to my account…. may 24th was last time I was able to do so

    1. That sucks! I’d send a support ticket, or maybe try posting on the support forums.. see if that will get you some help!

      1. Welp almost 5 months now and still no go have tried everything I can think of… was wondering do you know if a VPN would work to get around the issue?

      2. I have contacted both DDO support as well as my ISP and both are saying that trace rout is showing that its leaving their area… (basically its gettin lost in the middle… so your saying you dont know if a VPN would work or are you saying a VPN will not work?

      3. Putting on my IT hat… I’d say it might, it would depend “where” it’s getting lost, that seems odd did they say where the trace was failing? or have you ran one yourself? or a ping?

  3. I myself am not that tec savy so I just did what they told me and such so I am not 100% sure where exactly its failing but “In the trace route we had you perform we can see that the IP trace was ending with your Internet Service Provider (” copy/pasted from last e-mail with DDO support, but when i called my ISP they had done their own and said that where they are it is also failing to connect (but didnt share the details with me) I did find this website ” https://help.standingstonegames.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002036707–The-Connection-to-the-Server-has-been-Lost-or-Searching-for-logon-server-Attempt-1-of-20-or-similar-connection-issues-such-as-severe-packet-loss-going-linkdead-chat-server-connection-loss- ” (and in it I see that Shaw Secure can cause problems, which is something I have) not sure how to go about anything there kinda didnt understand90% of that site… did manage to do that “clean boot” but still nothin

    1. I’d say it’s Shaw Secure.. which is owned by McAfee if your problem….. ewwwwww no.. just no…. You should be able to whitelist DDO in that.. why are you running that in the first place? 🙂

    2. Ah, is there a software app you can open? (there should be) you should be able to add programs and it’s to a “Whitelist” in the software control for it.

      1. do you see an icon for Shaw Secure? or is it on your start menu.. if not I’d call your ISP and tell them you need to whitelist something in Shaw Secure. they should be able to walk you through it

  4. I have shaw secure cause my ISP is Shaw, its something the internet package just comes with… its not something I installed

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