Got a burning question for Community Manger Cordovan?

We will be recording Episode 80 of the podcast on Monday night at 8:30 PM EST. We will be joined by community manager cordovan, we are going to set some time aside for questions and answers from the live chat and the community.
If you can’t join us LIVE, then you can ask you questions here. Of course the caveat being, he will only answer what he can, We are going to allow some time for questions, but we do have other things to cover on the podcast, so we will try and get to as many or all the questions that we can! it should be “Cool Cool”
So you leave a reply here, and we will try to get you question asked and answered! you may also email your questions to if you wish to do so.
Hope to see many of you in the LIVE chat!
will you ever do live streaming in the evenings besides the lunch time streaming? some players are unable to log in during the day.