Blood And Plunder From Firelock Games On Kickstarter

Avast, mateys! (You have to say that in your best pirate accent of course)
Firelock Games has launched their Kickstarter campaign for Blood and Plunder, their new 17th century pirate skirmish game.


Blood and Plunder lets you take your battles to the high seas, itself. Play scenarios that represent land battles, but also amphibious assaults on coastal towns, as well as ships sailing out in the open water, jockeying for position for a broadsides and boarding action.

The Kickstarter campaign will get you not just the figures, but also the ships with which to play the game. The game uses an innovative, card-based system for determining who gets to activate which units in their force, as well as how many action points that unit can take when activated. It adds a bit of bluffing and strategy to the usually mundane task of seeing who goes next.





The kickstarter launched yesterday and all most immediately hit it’s goal.   So it’s making those stretch goals walk the plank for the next 28 days.

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