A New Cash N’ Guns Expansion Is Coming From Asmodee

Cash ‘N Guns is a game where it’s always  been best to look out for yourself. Be willing to make temporary aliiances, break them, and shoot anyone who stands in your way. But the nature of the competition is about to change: the upcoming Team Spirit expansion makes it so that you’re no longer looting and shooting on your own!



The Team Spirit expansion turns Cash ’N Guns into a team game. At least one other person at the table will truly have your back, and you’ll have theirs. With three or four different criminal factions fighting for loot, there’s now room for a ninth player to get in on the action. There’s also new characters, surprises, and, of course, new guns that you can integrate into all your games of Cash ’N Guns, whether you play independently or as part of a team.


For those that do not know, Cash ’N Guns is a bluffing game in which four to eight players take aim at each other in order to get the biggest and best share of the available loot. In every round you’ll point your weapon, but you won’t have enough bullets to fire every time. The diamonds, artworks, and dollars at stake aren’t always worth spilling blood or taking a bullet. You do, however, need to be careful whom you shoot. Wounding someome might make you a target. Eliminating an ally is perfectly fair game.


Team play shakes up your games of Cash ’N Guns in quite a few ways. First of all, it makes it so that you know exactly who’s on your side—and who isn’t. You can’t take aim at your teammates, but you can give another team member the medkit or the ammo clip, even if they wouldn’t otherwise have a share in the loot.You can also secretly trade Ammo, Power, Loot, and Surprise cards with the people on your team, perhaps giving one player the lion’s share of the diamonds in exchange for a few extra bullets—or a few extra blanks.

Cash ’N Guns: Team Spirit will be available in the fall of this year


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