Bloc by Bloc: The Insurrection Game Kickstarter Ending Soon



We have been telling you about the Bloc by Bloc: The Insurrection Game kickstarter.

We wanted to give you a update on the progress of the campaign. It’s at 5 days left (As of this posting) and they are setting at 596 backers With $34,142 pledged of $35,000 goal!

They are less then 858. *Cue Europe’s Final Countdown*




If you missed we had an interview with one of the designers of the game Tim Simons We also had a Preview of the game


Bloc by Bloc: The Insurrection Game is a game by Rocket Lee and Tim Simons, published by Out of Order Games. It is for 2-4 players. In this game, The players are tasked with joining a growing rebellion as it spreads across a changing city landscape. Players have to learn to  work together to occupy all the state districts in the city before the military arrives and shuts it all down if they hope to succeed.

There is still time to pledge to the kickstarter if you have not yet.

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