Ninja Division To Publish LOAD (League of Ancient Defenders)


LOAD has reached its base funding goal on Kickstarter and is continuing to grow with additional funding from miniature enthusiasts and dynamic strategy board game fans around the world. When all the kickstarter copies are  fulfilled, Ninja Division Publishing will then publish LOAD in North America. Ninja Division Publishing will announce an official release date as production proceeds.




League of Ancient Defenders (LOAD) is a two-team, 2-6 player skirmish board game with stunning miniatures and intense gameplay modeled after popular online battle arena games. The vile forces of Chaos have invaded the island kingdom of Atlantis—humanity’s last hope. Players must leverage the unique abilities of their Heroes as they push three lanes simultaneously toward the opposing faction’s base. By destroying key enemy objectives, towers, and spawn points, they will force the opposing team to abandon the battle in full retreat.



The kickstarter ends in 13 days. We will keep you updated when the street date is announced for border release.




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