Storm King’s Thunder Heading To Neverwinter (PC) In August

Perfect World have announced that Storm King’s Thunder is also heading to Neverwinter, This is will be only PC for now.
“Adventurers will travel north to Bryn Shander – capital of Icewind Dale – to investigate the sudden presence of frost giants in the region. No visit to Icewind Dale would be complete without the help of Catti-brie and Wulfgar – characters from R.A. Salvatore’s novels – who will aid adventurers in their quest to stop the invading giants. High-level adventurers will also experience a new campaign, which will take them across three new adventure zones and story content for Neverwinter: Storm King’s Thunder. In addition, our newest expansion will introduce a new tier of Dungeon for adventurers seeking a challenge.”
Check out the Teaser announcement trailer
Along with the Storm King’s announcement Perfect world also has some other big news for the Neverwinter MMORPG
. “We are also happy to announce that Neverwinter on PlayStation 4 will be free-to-play for all PlayStation 4 owners as you will not require PlayStation Plus to dive into this full-fledged MMORPG experience,”
No date has been set for the launch on PS4 other then “Summer 2016” Neverwinter’s PS4 edition comes with all the content from the base game (eight classes and nine expansions), as well as the newest update, The Maze Engine.
They of course have a launch trailer for this PS4 as well!
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