Focus Home Entertainment Shows Off Vampyr Computer ARPG At E3



Vampyr, the new Action-RPG from acclaimed game-development studio Dontnod, and stars a doctor who has been turned into a creature of the night.

 The trailer is narrated by the game’s main character,  Jonathan E. Reid, a doctor and vampire.
“Science has failed us,”
He says, before explaining that the flu epidemic has killed thousands in London.
As Jonathan Reid, the players will traverse London in 1918 as the Spanish Flu rages across the city. The player will need human blood to survive, and will have to decide which humans to feed on. But also keep in mind, if you feed on too many in one area, it will draw suspicion of “Vampire Hunters”
Reid talks about the hunger inside him, which must be appeased every night. It seems Reid’s nightly snacking isn’t going noticed, however, as a group of hunters is shown looking for him. This leads into a bloody battle in which Reid uses swords to cut down men. He’s also shown using strange supernatural abilities, and drinking their blood.

“I have few allies, and even fewer options,”  “It’s a war, and I have to fight to survive. My life has become a waking nightmare. I did not choose the thing I’ve become, but I can choose the lives I take.”


The game is set for release in 2017 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. We should get more news on Vampyr during E3 2016 next week.

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