Buffy The Vampire Slayer: The Board Game


“In every generation there is a chosen one. She alone will stand against the vampires the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the slayer.”


Jasco Games has partnered with Ontario-based Lynnvander Studios to produce Buffy The Vampire Slayer: The Board Game. The game will release on October 28.

The cooperative board game has players take the role of Buffy and her friends as they defend the town of Sunnydale from an onslaught of vampires and demons. There is also the goal of unraveling the plot of the real Big Bad, who is scheming to open the Hellmouth.

Players must work together using all their resources, including character’s special abilities, to help the defenseless residents of Sunnydale.

We did get a look at the box itself, but nothing inside of the pieces or board as of yet


The game is for 1 – 6 players and plays in 40 – 60 minutes. MSRP is $39.99.


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