Roll20 Virtual Tabletop To Provide Licensed D&D Content


You now have another choice to get some licensed D&D to play on the  virtual tabletop.

Roll20 has signed a licensing deal with Wizards of the Coast to provide Dungeons & Dragons content for the platform.

The first item is Lost Mine of Phandelver (the adventure from the D&D Starter Set) for $19.99.


If you want to get on some giant killing action,  you can pre-order the upcoming Storm King’s Thunder for 49.95



Riley Dutton Co-Founder of Roll20  says

“While Roll20 was designed to play nearly any tabletop game, the spark that pushed us to start the product was Dungeons & Dragons. Our very name, ‘Roll20’ comes from the concept of a ‘critical hit’ as popularized by D&D. For us, D&D represents an evergreen part of our gaming lives, and to be officially working with its creators and caretakers certainly feels like we’ ve made a winning roll.”

The Roll20 modules come with pregenerated characters, image handouts, maps, and tokens.


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