Geek & Sundry And Critical Role Plans For Gen Con

Geek & Sundry has unveiled all of what they have in store for Gen Con 2016
Once again this year, they will be sharing a booth with Green Ronin. Stop by and you could win an exclusive Critical Role and Titansgrave mini posters. Like last year You’ll need to roll for your chance to win: roll a 14 or better to succeed, Wear your Geek & Sundry apparel and you will get +2 to your roll!
There will also be a BRAND NEW Critical Role poster, which will be available for purchase at the Geek & Sundry area in the Green Ronin Booth and at Critical Role Live. This poster will be available online later on, but you’ll be able to get your hands on it first at Gen Con 2016
Other Gen Con plans
Panel: Q&A with Critical Role!
Friday, August 5th – 11:00 AM | Ballroom 500
Join Matt Mercer, Marisha Ray, Taliesin Jaffe, Laura Bailey, and Travis Willingham for an hour-long Q&A about all things Critical Role and role playing! This event is free to Gen Con attendees, Get your tickets HERE
Signings at the Green Ronin Booth
Matt Mercer and Marisha Ray
Friday, August 5th – 12:30 PM | Green Ronin Booth (1421)
Matt and Marisha will be signing any Critical Role items you bring (or win!). This signing is limited to 50 people and is first come, first served.
Laura Bailey and Travis Willingham
Friday, August 5th – 3:00 PM | Green Ronin Booth (1421)
Laura and Travis will be signing any Critical Role or Titansgrave items you bring (or win!). This signing is limited to 50 people and is first come, first served.
Saturday in Indy
Critical Role Live in Indianapolis
Saturday, August 6th – 8:00 PM | Hilbert Circle Theater
Doors open at 7:00pm
Be there for all the drama, the fighting, and the laughter as you and other Critical Role fans experience the show first hand. This episode will feature Matt Mercer, Marisha Ray, Ashley Johnson, Laura Bailey, Taliesin Jaffe, Sam Riegel, and Travis Willingham. Tickets are on sale now, seating is first com, first served.
Gen Con Attendees: a limited amount of VIP tickets were opened up through Gen Con and are available here now! These tickets are only available to Gen Con Attendees.
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