Burger Up! Card Game


As your reading this I am at  Gen Con 2016. (See I’m posting this in future? The past?, or your reading this in future? it’s all wibbly wobbly, timey wimey!) Anyway, all this walking is making me hungry (See there is that time jump again) and a nice juicy hamburger sounds amazing right now.




In the game, you play as the owner/chef of a burger joint. Your job is to create the greatest burgers that people have ever tasted using fresh, gourmet ingredients.  Use the freshest, tastiest ingredients to make the biggest, most mouthwatering, gourmet burgers around. Satisfy your customers to earn money, upgrade your restaurant, and become the best burger restaurant in town.


Burger Up is a card matching puzzle game about the art of burger making for 2 to 4 players.

Rule & Make has teamed up with Greenbrier Games to make the US release of this game happen. The first place you can get your hands on is, where else? Gen Con 2016!

GBG will be running a host of Burger Up demos at Gen Con and have a limited number of units for sale ahead of wider distribution state-side in November.




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