Ghosts Love Candy Coming From Steve Jackson Games


Steve Jackson Games just got some good karma coming there way.  They have  rescued a defunct Fifth Street Games Kickstarter for the game Ghosts Love Candy. Trade release for the game is planned for June 2017.



Players take the role of ghosts, out to satisfy their candy cravings on Halloween. Each ghost is dealt a unique craving card, which ranks what candy they like best. Then the ghosts go out haunting the neighborhood trick-or-treaters, possessing them to steal their candy. Other ghosts can try to hijack the children, and if a double possession pushes the child past their sick level, they become the ghost’s burden and lead to negative points. The player whose ghost earns the most candy after eight rounds wins.

The box contains 24 unique kid cards, 6 candy craving cards, 54 ghosts cards (1 –  9 of 6 colors), 48 cardboard candy tokens, a draw bag and a rulebook. The game is for 2 – 6 players, ages 8 and up, and plays in 20 – 30 minutes. MSRP has not been announced.

Sam Mitschke, COO of Steve Jackson Games and Randy Scheunemann provided additional game development from the original version.

The Kickstarter raised $13,348 from 371 backers ($35.98/backer average) on July 6, 2014. Steve Jackson Games is sending free copies of the game to Kickstarter backers.


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