Syrinscape Teams With Geek & Sundry For Critical Role Soundpack


Syrinscape, creator of the award-winning apps that put the power of custom, movie-like sound effects, soundscapes, music and dynamic tabletop audio solutions at the fingertips of the gamer, announces today the release of the Geek & Sundry’s Critical Role: Goblin Raid SoundPack.


The Geek & Sundry’s Critical Role: Goblin Raid SoundPack includes everything gamers need to run their own game the same way Critical Role host Matt Mercer did during the now-legendary “To the Poop” goblin raid Pathfinder RPG adventure on the show, including the rain and thunder Matt pummeled the poor goblin PCs with, the squelches, slops and gas releases of the stinky sewer, the chaos of the goblin raid on Sandpoint and the pounding music of the Hell’s Rebels Adventure Path for the Pathfinder RPG. As an added bonus, the Geek & Sundry’s Critical Role: Goblin Raid SoundPack also includes the voices of three of Critical Role’s high-profile NPCs voiced by Matt Mercer himself. Players will be able to converse with Victor the black powder salesman, Nostoc Greyspine the gravelly dwarf minor and Drez Vina, the smooth, aloof elf.



“Syrinscape is the type of program I’ve been DYING to have available for my home games for years, The sheer variety of quality soundtracks, mood music and sound effects easily and quickly at your disposal makes for a fantastic boon to GMs everywhere who wish to really enhance their storytelling experiences! It’s been a huge benefit to my own game and I highly recommend checking it out!”. – Matthew Mercer, Dungeon Master Of  Geek & Sundry’s Critical Role.


The Geek & Sundry’s Critical Role: Goblin Raid SoundPack is available on Syrinscape for $14.99 or as part of the SuperSyrin Subscription that completely unlocks all of Syrinscape’s content for $10/month. The award-winning Syrinscape apps bring fantastic, realistic sound to tabletop gaming. Each can be tried for free for 30 days at and include two free SoundSets to keep after the trial.


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