DDO Players Dumpster Diver Card Game Review

As the old saying goes
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure
Dumpster Diver – Published by MegaCon Games – is a casually strategic card game built for 2-4 players. Embrace your inner dumpster diver as you forage, buy, sell, and dumpster dive your way to collecting the most priceless treasures from the most worthless of junk. You’ll strive to create collections and sets of card to score points and come out on top as the winner!
Game Play
- Draw Phase
- Protect Phase
- Sell Phase
- Buy Phase
- Dive Phase
- Play Phase
- Money Phase
- Refresh Phase
During Draw – players are dealt 4 cards, and choose to protect one, sell one, and keep two in hand
During Protect – The one card you want Is placed face down, and it’s safe.
During Sell – Players select 1 card from hand it place it face up, each other play will select a dollar amount and place on that card as to the price they will pay
During Buy – Each player buys 1 of the cards that are for sale
During Dive – The remaining cards in your hand from the dumpster. These are the cards the other players will draw.
During Play – and non matching cards are played as Assortment and Matching cards (3 or more) are played as Rooms.
Play will continue, till the last card is drawn from the treasure deck. The winner is the one with the most Victory Points.
Final Thoughts
The art OK, sorta of a modern approach and looks “trashy” which makes sense with the theme. There is a bit of strategy to this game. You have to play a few times, before you will get the know the cards that you should keep or get rid of, and of course there is the random element with the luck draw. This is one of those games, that will drive you crazy. You have a strategy that you think will work for you, And then you don’t draw the cards you need, and have to spend your hard earned money to buy them. Which can be a good thing, and bad thing. Depending on who you feel about the RNG.
Overall this is a game I think the whole family will enjoy, from the kids to the adults, the rules are enough to pick up, after a few plays I think everyone will have a good grasp on it.
One of those games that would be good to pull out on a game night, where not everyone shows up, or you just want a fast game to play to get the night going, in a fun fast way.
If you would like more information on Dumpster Diver, head over the official page on Megacon Games website
Dumpster Diver can be purchased via Amazon.
A Big thank you to Megacon Games, for providing us the review copy of Dumpster Diver
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