Fantasy Flight To Co-Publish Mutant Chronicles: Siege of the Citadel

Today Modiphius Entertainment, and Cabinet Entertainment announced a new partnership with Fantasy Flight Games for the global publishing, retail distribution, localization, and translation of the Mutant Chronicles: Siege of the Citadel miniatures board game.
In a joint statement issued by Fredrik Malmberg, president and CEO of Cabinet Entertainment and Chris Birch, publishing director of Modiphius Entertainment,
“FFG’s global reach is unsurpassed in the hobby game industry and their expertise allows us the opportunity to focus on the game’s design and development. We’re thrilled to be working with them to bring Mutant Chronicles: Siege of the Citadel to friendly local game shops everywhere.”
Mutant Chronicles: Siege of the Citadel has currently raised more than $320,000 in a highly successful Kickstarter campaign with more than 2480 backers and three days to go. The Kickstarter was so successful in fact that it “unlocked” (funded) two additional expansions.
The retail version of Siege of the Citadel will be released worldwide after the delivery of the Kickstarter rewards, which are due to be shipped Q4 2017.
In case your missed it, we did an interview Modiphius Entertainment’s Chris Birch, which you can listen to HERE.
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