Wizards Of The Coast Panel At Gamehole Con

Gamehole Con was held last weekend, and the fine folks over at the Gaming and BS RPG Podcast once again, were kind enough to record the panel.
Recorded at Gamehole Con 2016, a tabletop gaming convention held in Madison, Wisconsin, this bonus episode features Mike Mearls, Christopher Perkins and Jeremy Crawford from Wizards of the Coast. This is the unedited seminar that they hosted. They discuss Volo’s Guide to Monsters, the differences in settings and the design approach to each one, field Q&A’s from the audience where someone asks about their own home rules that they use in their own D&D games.
Nothing New Was Announced, they were upfront with this at the very start.
You can listen to the full panel over on the Gaming and BS Podcast Page – It runs 1 Hour and 52 Mins.
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