Stirring Dragon Games Announces Unknown Realm: Siege Perilous Kickstarter



Stirring Dragon Games have revealed a new project titled –  Unknown Realm: The Siege Perilous.  This one will hit you right in the old feels.

Stirring Dragon Games Says :


Why is it that anytime you ask an RPG fan what their favorite game is, they will almost inevitably name a game that was made 30 years ago? You know the games we’re talking about, games like Ultima, Legacy of the Ancients, Wasteland, SSI “Gold Box” titles, or some other game from the “Golden Age” of RPGs. Despite the high-end graphics and advances of modern RPGs, they still somehow fail to live up to the enjoyment found in these fan favorites of the past.

Let’s face it: those low-fidelity RPGs had something special. They had the perfect mix of presentation and gameplay that allowed your imagination to run free. Sadly, for some reason, game companies decided to stop making single player RPGs like this and thus abandoned a generation of RPG fans…until now.

We here at Stirring Dragon Games think it’s a shame no one is willing to make classic RPGs like this any more, and we’re just crazy enough to do something about it!

Unknown Realm: The Siege Perilous is a new single player medieval fantasy role-playing game that will take you back to the glory days of 80’s gaming.

Together with your help, we can bring back a taste of the Golden Age! Not just for the fans who almost flunked out of high school playing these games long ago, but for new generations of gamers who never got the opportunity to experience what makes this genre of RPGs so special.




Still have that Commodore 64 sitting around? Your in luck, there is a pledge level that will net you the game on a Commodore 64 Cartridge! that’s right, go old school and play games they way they were meant to be played! Ok, how freaking cool is that.

We chose the beloved Commodore 64 as the 8-bit system to develop for because in our opinion it has the best feature set of all the 8-bit systems. It also happens to hold the record as the best selling personal computer of all time.

What this means is that if your mom didn’t throw out your Commodore 64 years ago, it’s time to dust that baby off and experience an 8-bit RPG like no other! And don’t worry, we didn’t design this game just for Commodore fans. We designed it with all single player RPG fans at heart. That’s why we created a special PC platform to deliver an authentic 8-bit RPG experience all within the comforts of your modern PC.



The feature list is pretty impressive as well, certainly in line with what you’d expect from a Golden Age RPG:

  • Open world with lots of secret locations to discover.
  • 64 different day, night, and seasonal monsters.
  • Landscape reacts to the choices you make. Locations, characters, and game world will be impacted by your decisions, and your actions have real consequences.
  • Dual-mode exploration using either overworld view or zoomed in location view.
  • Traveling NPCs and settlements – stumble upon a gypsy caravan, traveling merchants or bandit encampments!
  • Find NPC or animal companions to join your cause.
  • Hire mercenaries to aid you on those really dangerous quests.
  • NPCs might strike up a conversation with you or blurt out for you to get lost.
  • NPCs can treat you differently based on their mood or how well they know you, or react to what they see you do or hear you say.
  • NPCs may travel between locations in the game.
  • Some monsters might even talk with you, if you happen to speak their language!
  • Try your luck at the rat races as you bet on which critter gets the cheese first.
  • Play some dice games with the local tavern folk.
  • Turn-based lock picking has never been more fun!
  • Use your wit to open the magically locked riddle chests.
  • Hungry? Try hunting or our fishing mini-game to catch your own food.


Head over the Kickstarter page for more information. The project has (As of this posting) $27,428 of the  $65,536 goal



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One thought on “Stirring Dragon Games Announces Unknown Realm: Siege Perilous Kickstarter

  1. Wow you guys! Thank you so much for this post! We’re really happy you’re getting the feels from our feelies. 😉 Thank you for the support!
    -Laura from Stirring Dragon Games

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