Kingdom Death Is Now The Most Funded Board Game Kickstarter Of All Time


Move over Exploding Kittens, there’s a new Kickstarter success story in town.

Kingdom Death: Monster 1.5, the follow-up to the moderately successful co-op horror game that raised just over $2 million on the crowdfunding site back in early 2013, has now had more than $9.1 million pledged by over 16,000 backers.



The total means that the board game is now the most-funded tabletop project of all time on the platform, overtaking Exploding Kittens’ $8,782,571 raised in February 2015.

As of this posting, there’s still 3 days left to run on Kingdom Death’s campaign, and more money is sure to come rolling in.

Kingdom Death’s original goal of $100,000  was smashed in a mere two hours, with $4.3 million pledged in the first day.

The core standalone set costs a staggering $250 , with a ‘cheaper’ upgrade pack for the original game priced at $60. That money will net you the 16.9 pound box with 232-page rule book, 17 miniatures and over 1000 cards.


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