Sun King Brewery to Create Official Beer for Gen Con 50

Gen Con, the longest-running gaming convention in North America, has announced a renewal of their partnership with Sun King Brewing Company, continuing an uninterrupted relationship that began in 2012. As part of this partnership extension, Sun King will craft the official beer for the historic Gen Con 50, operate an outdoor 21-and-over beer garden during the convention, and provide entertainment on W. Georgia St in Indianapolis.
For Gen Con 50, taking place August 17-20, Sun King will brew a Belgian-Style Golden Ale, available in both cans and drafts at the convention as well as via bar, restaurant, and packaged liquor providers in the Indianapolis metro.
“While pondering Gen Con 50, thoughts of a Belgian Golden Ale came to mind, A golden anniversary should be celebrated with a beer golden in color, with complex fruity esters and moderate spiciness, a first for Sun King Brewery to make in celebration of our partnership with Gen Con.” Dave Colt, Head Brewer/Co-Founder of Sun King Brewing
Sun King Brewing has created official beers for five prior Gen Con events, including last year’s 20-Sided Rye.
“Our partners at Sun King truly understand the Gen Con attendee, A significant portion of last year’s 61,000 Gen Con attendees sampled the Sun King beer, and their feedback on its taste, branding, and packaging art was our best yet.” Scott Elliott, Vice President of Business Development at Gen Con
Badges for Gen Con 50 will go on-sale on January 29 at noon (Eastern) on
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