True Dungeon Comes To Origins Game Fair 2017

Many people attend Gen Con just for True Dungeon. Well now if your are attending Origins, you can experience the real life dungeon as well.
Origins is proud to announce True Dungeon will be bringing its immersive experience to Origins Game Fair. The 2017 Origins Game Fair is held at the Greater Columbus Convention Center June 14-18 and is open to all ages. For the first time ever, Origins attendees will have the opportunity to participate in the True Dungeon experience.
“True Dungeon Adventures is very excited to announce that we will be bringing our immersive events to Origins Games Fair, Origins is one of the truly great gaming conventions out there, so it is an honor for us to join this excellent show and be among Origins’ outstanding gaming events. Origins attendees should prepare themselves for an amazing and immersive Dungeon experience!” Jeff Martin, CEO and owner of True Adventures, Ltd.
At Origins 2017, True Dungeon will be offering two completely different two-hour, live-action D&D events that will immerse players in adventures featuring amazing sets, animatronic monsters, costumed NPCs and high-quality props. The two adventures have sequential background stories, but they can be played in any order and enjoyed. True Dungeon will also be conducting free walk-up True Dungeon demos, and they will be offering token collectors a chance to transmute tokens inside the event. The two adventures are detailed below:
Part One: “Into the Deeperdark”. This is the 1st part of this year’s two-part adventure. Players must venture through the Deeperdark while facing sinister monsters and team-oriented challenges.
Part Two: “Behold Her Majesty”. This is the 2nd part of this year’s two-part adventure. Players must sneak their way into a Mind Flayer city while facing team-oriented challenges and fearsome monsters.
Both adventures mark the start of an epic four-year story arc in which the party must stop a Mind Flayer from hatching a devious scheme to collect objects of great power.
Tickets for TD’s immersive two-hour D&D adventures are $42, and this includes a free 10-pack of Treasure Tokens, random tokens earned during the adventure, as well as a limited-edition participation token. Tickets may be purchased starting on May 3rd at
True Dungeon will run Thursday – Saturday during The Origins Game Fair.
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