Star Trek HeroClix Away Team: The Original Series

Are you ready to take a trip to the final frontier in WizKids’ HeroClix world with the upcoming release of Star Trek HeroClix Away Team: The Original Series, releasing this November.
The new set introduces the characters from the beloved Star Trek franchise to the click-base miniatures game. The characters in Star Trek HeroClix Away Team will be compatible with other “modern age format” HeroClix figures, so they can be used on their own or combined with characters from other genres
The first set will be based on the original TV series. Models will be available in a Starter Set as well as in Boosters:
Designed as an easy entry point for players looking to start their away team, The Original Series Starter Set includes six of the most famous characters from the series: Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, Scotty, Bones, Uhura, and Mr. Sulu. Also included in the set are a double-sided map, game rules, Powers and Abilities Card, character cards, object and terrain tokens, and dice.
The rest of the figures can be found in 5-figure Booster boxes. In addition to other members of the U.S.S. Enterprise crew, such as Chekov and Lt. Leslie, adversaries and villains like Trelane, Khan, Klingons, and others can be found. The entire series will have 4 chase figures, 10 super rares, 11 rares, 12 uncommons, and 13 common figures. Boosters will be sold in 10-count Booster Bricks.
WizKids will support the launch of Star Trek HeroClix Away Team with the Release Day Organized Play Kit. This kit comes with three limited edition Evil Captain Kirk prize figures and five copies of a double-sided game map
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