Tales of Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation Gameplay

Late 2017 promises quite a number of video games based on board and card games. One for the most anticipated of these (and most related to our site) is Tales of Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation. This is a video implementation of the latest member of the Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Board Game Series: Tomb of Annihilation.

As such, I have much of my free time this last week delving into the Tomb of Annihilation. This included recording a run of the second adventure in the campaign (the first after the tutorial). All I need to do is find a few mushrooms.

Note that this video is from the initial release of the game. There have been a couple patches since this run and at least one more is slated for this week. When the updates go live, I will record another episode where I search for the Vegepygmy Chief.

Pineleaf Needles



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