Dungeon Tiles Reincarnated Coming From WOTC


Remember those tile sets that were released back for the edition that shall be named?

They’re back… and better than ever!



Used to enhance your D&D gaming experience, these full-color tiles come with evocative terrain art featuring dungeon rooms, corridors, caverns, tunnels, and other terrain elements designed to breathe life into your tabletop game. Infinitely expandable and easy to set up, these Dungeon Tiles can be combined to create the adventures you want to play.

Dungeon Tiles

In this set, you will find 16 durable, double-sided, fully-illustrated tile sheets, featuring dungeon rooms, corridors, caverns, tunnels, and other terrain elements that Dungeon Masters can use to build exciting dungeon encounters.

Wilderness Tiles

Here, the beginnings of a fantastic wilderness adventure await! This set contains 16 durable, double-sided, fully-illustrated tile sheets, featuring grasslands, ruins, sandy beaches, and other natural elements for any DM to utilize during a Dungeons & Dragons gaming session.

City Tiles

With the City Tiles release, the urban world is laid out before your players, and each of the 16 durable, double-sided, fully-illustrated tile sheets can use to build exciting encounters. Many of the tried and true aspects of the civilized world, including city streets, buildings, and sewers, will now be available for your players to explore.


Look for them January 23rd at your FLGS, and online retailers With an MSRP of $24.99 Each



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